2 Korea reports the first cases of "super …" Surprise "on an insect skewer


[한수지 기자] Ko Seung-jae played a stormy meal during a trip to Baekdu Mountain.

In the afternoon of 28, KBS2, "Happy Sunday – Superman is back," went to Baekdu Mountain with a special 5th birthday.

That day, Ko Ji-Yong said, "I do not think there is a better legacy than to let down the clean nature." I hope that it will be resolved peacefully ( unification), "he said, participating in the" Halla to Baekdu "project, aimed at bringing to other families the dreams of a healthy environment and peace with nature.

On the eve of Baekdusan's trip, Su-jae answered Ko-ji-yong's question on Baekdu Mountain. Koji said, "What would you do if you met a tiger?", He said positively, saying, "I will throw him into the mountain of Mount Baekdu."

On the day of his departure from Mount Baekdu, he said, "I wish him to go with him to Mt. Xi'an." Soon, he shared a friendly greeting with Mr. Xian, who appeared with Uncle Shiny Minho. Finally, Brother Seojun, who appeared in the character's mask, finally joined the Baekdu Mountain team. When checking this information just before departure, he was scared and said, "There is a tiger and a snaker." But he laughed at the nerves of Seon and Lee.

KBS2 Happy Sunday - Superman Returns & # 39; capture a show
KBS2 Happy Sunday – Superman Returns & # 39; capture a show

"We have food that represents China," he said, referring to the restaurant for his first meal in Shanghai. We have to eat duck meat here, "he said, and ordered various Chinese dishes.After the appearance of Beijing Duk after Mara Longsha, Suet was pleased to show the food of the storm.

Ko Ji – yong, who played a funny performance watching the worms Seo – in and Seo – jun had mentioned, was surprised and said, "You should eat one line per family. "I do not want my father to become a cicada," Lee said.

After the meal, the three family members who were eager to avoid the plane arrived safely at the Changbai Mountain Airport and wished to see Mount Baekdu. But I felt uncomfortable with the driving rain and finished the first day.

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