2 Seoul to strengthen the forces of the sea from the West … New investment, speed of business reorganization (LG Yuplus, CJ Hello, LG Chem, LG Electronics)


Kwon Young-soo As vice president of LG UPLUS moves to the holding company early next week, LG's management strategy is likely to undergo a significant change.

New President Gwang-mo admits that he will accelerate investment and corporate restructuring by calling on Vice President Kwon, known for his bold and aggressive management style, as a holding company. The holding company, LG Co., Ltd., has replaced the chief of staff of LG, which is the key position, with Lee Myung-kwan, vice president of LG Chemical, before being elected at the beginning of the week next.

On the 13th, a group leader said: "Looking at the LG group culture, there are few CEOs in the group who are as crazy as a vice president." If Vice President Kwon's Trend is Reflected in Group Leadership,

Vice President Kwon played a crucial role in launching LG Phillips LCD in 1999 by investing $ 1.6 billion in Philips, Netherlands, at LG Electronics. Even when LG Chem was president of LG Chem's battery business, LG Uplus achieved aggressive sales overseas, and LG U + has publicly expressed interest in acquiring CJ Hello, an operator of cable television.

LG Group maintains a responsible management system for each affiliate. However, it has a close consultation system for synergy effects among its affiliates, such as discussing management strategies on an individual basis with portfolio companies through twice-held business reports. per year. Vice President Kwon appears to be in charge of the management of the holding company and the outside activities while Mr Koo plans the underwater management. The fact that he is a financial expert of the highest financial director, including LG Electronics, the electronics, the display, the chemistry, and u-plus, is a merit of the vice president who is certified by JATA.

The Vice Chairman of LG Group Vice President, "One-point", would have a sense of crisis that the succession of management can not run smoothly due to the unreasonable management environment at home and abroad.

The LG Group's blossoming in a recent badysis of the 4-year estate management is also similar to the l? atmosphere. May 17, just before the death of former president Koo Bon-moo, LG, who announced the election of LG Kook-Mo as chairman of LG Korea, held a shareholders' meeting and a board of directors last month.

Formalization of retirement. It did not take more than two months to formalize the presidential successor Kwangmo Kwon to Kwon's vice president.

`Kwangmo-Kwon Young-soo` As soon as the management system of holdings is growing, we also expect that there will be a big change in the regular officers who will stand at the end of this year. In some cases, it is also possible that the organization is reorganized immediately after its formal appointment as representative of the holding company due to the nature of Kwon.

An industry representative said: "LG, which is establishing a new management system, is likely to take a bold restructuring plan for its slow business." If we give a signal of innovation by selection and concentration strategies, He said.

[전경운 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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