2 South Korea to strengthen the strength of the sea from the West … "Korea should be excluded"


  Kim Hyun-chong, Trade Negotiator (left), shakes hands with Larry Kools in Washington, DC, USA, on May 20, before meeting with the President of the National Economic Commission (NEC).
<김현종 통상교섭본부장(왼쪽)이 지난 20일(현지시간) 미국 워싱턴D.C.에서 래리 커들로 美 국가경제위원회(NEC) 의장과 만나 면담에 앞서 악수하고 있다.>

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) said the delegation headed by Kim Hyun Jong, chief negotiator for trade negotiations,

The delegation included representatives of the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Strategy and Finance as well as Han Jin-hyun, Vice President of the Korea International Trade Association (KITA) and Kim Yong -Keun from South Korea

Kim heads the White House National Economic Committee (NEC), Larry Kardler,

Kim emphasized that South Korea is a key ally in the security of the United States. United and a signatory of the Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) I explained that this is not an object. In addition, both countries have already reflected the concerns of the US on the automotive sector through the amendment of the FTA, pointing out that the car fare is 0% and contributing to the US economy by investing in the Korean car industry.

In the private sector, trade badociations such as the United States Government, think tanks, automobile industry badociations, automobile badociations and organizations, and Hyundai Motor [19659003] The Department of Industry continued to respond to the joint efforts of the government and the public and private sectors to deliver our position on various routes until the announcement of the results of the Commerce Department's survey. United States, We will do our best to recognize the exception of the article. Kim is scheduled to travel to the United States for three days starting April 25 to meet with key personalities from time to time and continue to meet with Congress and business people.

Yang Jong-seok Industrial Policy Reporter (Sejong) [email protected]

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