2 The South Korean government presses to resume enrichment of uranium …


[Séoul = Newsweek] Hong Ji-eun Reporter = The Preparatory Committee of the Emergency Committee on Innovation in Korea announced on the 14th that it was planning to withdraw the contest to elect the President of the Superintendent of the Innovation, but the candidates still do not seem satisfied.

The Preparatory Committee is composed of Kim Byung Joon, Emeritus Professor of Kookmin University, Kim Sung Won, representing Jeon Hee-kyung of the Korean National Assembly, Park Chan-Jong, President of the Asian Economic Research Institute, As candidates for the innovation committee. On 14 and 15, the two candidates were retained for two days and the last candidates were tried on the 16th.

However, some of the candidates expressed strong dissatisfaction in this regard. Lee said during a phone conversation with Newsweek on the 13th, "I was worried about what I was doing when I saw the recent congressional general meeting," said the former president. . "I do not know what to do I did not know if I wanted to."

Vice President Kim Sung-won, also a vice-presidential candidate, was dismissed the same day stating: "This It's not a popular vote and it's ridiculous to decide opinion polls. "

As the controversy intensified, the Reserve Committee decided to cancel the vote. The preparatory committee issued a press release on April 14 saying, "I tried to conduct a survey this weekend to broaden the opinions of people and party members during the process of selecting candidates for the position of vice-president". "We decided to stop the poll," he said.

Nevertheless, some candidates still seem uncomfortable. "I want people to decide once, but I can not change it," Lee said on the 14th. "I want to stay away from the party for a while."

Outside Lee, some candidates would have complained again. A preparatory committee official said in the motto: "I decided not to conduct a public inquiry, but I still think that there are people who are worried about the candidate."

The preparatory committee plans to propose a candidate for the final candidate by acting as the representative representative of Kim Sung –

However, it is expected that the national committee scheduled for the 17th will have difficulties until the end of the year. what it is confirmed as the high-chair.

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