2 The strike at the NK seems tied to the succession … The call of the day


Former President Park Geun-hye, accused of illegal intervention in the process of appointing the former Saenuri party, should be sentenced to two years in prison without appealing to the Supreme Court.

If he does not appeal to Park in the day (on the 28th), he will be the first confirmed decision of the accused's case.

Former President Park has not appealed the decision of the Seoul High Court before the deadline set for the appeal.

The appeal can be made until midnight today, the sentence having been pronounced the last 21 days.

However, Park appears to have dropped the appeal because he did not apply to the Seoul court or detention center during office hours.

The prosecution can not appeal to the prosecutor because he pleaded guilty to the charges of former President Park.

In the case of a case where the sentence is less than 10 years in prison, as in the case of Park, it is impossible to appeal to the Supreme Court on the grounds of unfair dismissal.

In the incident related to the intervention of the candidacy, two years of imprisonment were confirmed to the former President Park and the Supreme Court, which knows of the case of the National Farmers & # 39; Federation,

The case of the farm of former President Kim Dae-jung was brought to the Supreme Court in September and is now badigned to the second division (Chief Justice Roh Jung-hee).

It is feared that the sentence will be deferred and that the sentences will not be executed until Park is arrested early next year.

Park was found guilty of illegal reimbursement of special activity expenses by the National Intelligence Service and was found guilty in the first trial.

The case is pending before the Seoul High Court due to an appeal by the prosecution, but the first trial has not yet taken place.

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