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[아시아경제 이기민 기자] A 21st editorial week (50) Ahn Yongmin was asked to discuss issues such as emails with the Korean Federation of Korean Residents in Chungcheong Province and to meet officials from the North Korean National Reconciliation Council. ,

The Supreme Court 1 (Supreme Court of the Court of Justice of Sang-ok) is sentenced to one year and six months imprisonment for three years, to one year imprisonment and to six years Imprisonment,

Contrary to the permission of the North Korea visit, Ahn Week was handed over to the Court in 2012 for alleged contacts with executives such as Park Kyung-chul, Vice President of the Ministry. Foreign Affairs. And gave a lecture on the contents of the symposium to the North Korean regime. The conference entitled "The current government is anti-national, anti-communist, anti-democratic,

One week, Ahn Ju-jung was contacted by Chongryun agents in August 2007, convicted of certain documents of the vice chairman of "Min-hwa Kyonghyup" and others, guilty of certain articles, and sentenced to 1 year imprisonment. sentenced to three years probation and one year and six months of suspension.

The trial court "participated in an event organized in Japan to congratulate North Korea organized by Chongryon and Hanchongnyon, to cooperate with the activities from North Korea and Chongryon and to condemn the North Korean policy of our Government. "

The second instance court found guilty of certain allegations said:" We have been in contact with the men of the anti-state group, knowing that this would compromise the existence, security or fundamental democratic order of the nation. " He was sentenced to one year and six months imprisonment , three years of probation and one year and six months of imprisonment.

The Court of Criminal Justice has condemned some of the manuscripts to "if they act in a state without knowing that they are endangering the free democratic fundamental order" or "if the contents of the manuscript I made an innocent judgment, but the other party was guilty as the first.

The Supreme Court also dismissed the appeal because she found the second hearing to be correct.

Ki In Min, [email protected]

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