2 [Tidbit] Lovemaking couple saved f … Past "I keep thinking" call


  Kim Dongsoo (53), a survivor of Seowol Lake in Jeju, called "the right blue pants". I'm holding a pouch made by myself in knit. [뉴스1]

Kim Dongsoo (53), a survivor of Seowol Lake in the Jeju area, called "the right blue pants". I'm holding a pouch made by myself in knit. [뉴스1]

Fifty-three-year-old Kim Sang-soo, who called herself the right of blue pants, rescued 20 students at the time of the sinking of Lake Seweol, self-inflicted near the Blue House. It was reported that he was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment and that he has not suffered any disturbance in his life.

According to police and firefighters, Kim stabbed in the fountain plaza in front of Cheong Wa Dae on March 13 at 1:50 am.

Kim, who lives in Jeju Island, came to Seoul by plane in the morning, saying that he would go to the Blue House and protest. When the Kim family was unable to reach him, he telephoned the family members of the family who stayed at Gwanghwamun Square by phone. Kim explained that he had self-inflicted as soon as he saw the bereaved family members who came to find him.

Kim, who was a freight car driver, rescued students by wrapping a fire hose on her body when the sun broke on April 16, 2014. The Department of Health and Safety Social Protection recognized Kim as a costume in June 2015, and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security awarded Kim a recommendation to the public in January of this year.

However, Kim appealed for "post-traumatic stress disorder" after the Sea Hawk accident.

After Kim's first self-discipline attempt at his home on March 19, 2015, he was in open court at the first hearing of Seowol University's Special Investigation Committee in Seoul on December 14 of the same year. Is not it? I've tried to automutile myself after saying "I'm sorry." In 2016, the Jeju Provincial Government announced that they were trying to self-destruct by saying, "I do not know what to do." do not like this country that can not reveal the truth of seewal, nor can cure the pain of people.

Kim said during a concert-debate held in Jeju last June: "If I do not I did not see anything, I tried to hurt myself with this idea. "

According to Jeju's voice, Kim said," I remembered my daughter when I saw them. children in the water during the Seowall disaster.If I did not ask it, I thought: "Who would want to save it?" I took the children out of the water near the lake that was next to me. "He said," I have in front of people who can not save my body. "I could not stand out anymore, I saw the faces of people in the boat. It was flowing in the water, I keep thinking, "he said. [19659004] Then he said, "I live by eating drugs in pain. My hands are so sick that I want to cut it. I've also tried to hurt myself with drugs, "he said.

Kim said," Most of the survivors of Seewal fall into trauma, making it difficult for them to leave the world. " Even if the nation, society and people are ignored, I stand in front of people and try to keep the record of the situation at the time of year. "

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