2 [Tidbit] Lovemaking couple saved f … The beginnings of cinema as "Student Transfer"


Dahui, who was a member of the Gahl Glam group, announced a new start after his fame.

According to film makers, Dahui plans the film "Transfer student" after being renamed Kim Si-won.

& # 39; Transfer student & # 39; is led by Shin Jae-ho, director of 'Confrontation', 'Gate', which deals with violence and social problems of school, and megaphone

Kim Si-won, who debuted in the group of four Glam girls in 2012, drew public attention four years ago. In 2014, he was sentenced to one year in prison and two years probation for being arrested because he was suspected of having intimidated Lee Byung-hun. After six months in jail, Dahui was released and replaced by Kim Si-won.

In May, Dae Hee, who was a fan of African TV BJ, entered the screen and announced new activities.

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