2 [Tidbit] Lovemaking couple saved f … The key question is to delay judgment


  On the 7th of last year, Samsung Bio Logics of Yeonsu-gu, Incheon City. The Committee of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) on the supervision of Samsung Bio Logics, a controversial issue of accounting, will be held on the 17th. [연합뉴스]

The last 7 days Samsung Bio Logics of Yeonsu-gu, Incheon City . The Committee of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) on the supervision of Samsung Bio Logics, a controversial issue of accounting, will be held on 17. [연합뉴스]

The Securities and Futures Commission of the Financial Services Commission concluded that Samsung Bio Logics (Samsung Bio) had violated accounting standards. The Supreme Court decided to pursue the company and its CEO in the prosecution and recommend the dismissal of the officer in charge. However, the decision on the central issue was virtually reserved.

On this day, Cho Sung-won held an extraordinary meeting and made the decision. The Supreme Court concluded that Samsung Biotech prepared and disclosed financial statements in violation of accounting standards.

Koo said: "We have deliberately omitted the fact that Samsung Bio-Epsilon's joint venture partner, Biogen, has an option to purchase as a result of Samsung's conviction Bio Logics. "

The Supreme Court decided to sue the company and the CEO in court and recommend the dismissal of the leader. In addition, Samjong Accounting Corporation, which performed an external audit of Samsung Bio, was instructed not to disclose unfair accounting practices and to pay an additional 90% compensation for damages and to limit Samsung's audit. Bio for four years. Among the APCs, one was charged with prosecution, and the other was ordered to notify the prosecution.

We could not draw any conclusion on the suspicion of misappropriation during the change of affiliate of Samsung E Peace which was the key issue.

The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) concluded that Samsung Biotech had committed crimes at the end of 2015 after performing special supervision of Samsung Bio in May. At that time, Samsung Biotech has changed its affiliate Samsung Electronics to a related company, and so the value of the Samsung E-Peace company has jumped from 330 billion won to 4.8 trillion won. As a result, Samsung Bios, the largest shareholder of Samsung E & F, has recorded its first profit since its inception.

Although the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) asked the Supervisory Board to find that a series of procedures violate accounting standards, Samsung Bio challenged the conclusion of the Financial Supervisory Service.

The Supreme Court of Korea (FSS) stated: "The Financial Supervision Service did not conclude that it was appropriate to deal with the changes before and after the change of accounting treatment to the end of 2015. " I thought it was likely to be violated. "

The Supreme Court of Korea concluded:" Accordingly, we decided to ask the Financial Services Agency to reopen the supervision of this section and report the results, "said the final decision on this part, And in the judgment of motive of illegal acts, as in the case of deliberating the original bill, the facts will be considered before and after 2015. "B, e, v, n, t, s ) {function (f, b, e,
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