2 [Tidbit] Worlds biggest country / Ov … Only one team breathe again in November


The North Korean table tennis athlete who competed in the International Table Tennis Tournament of Korea in 2018 returned to North Korea after completing all the time

North American athlete Korean run by the president of the Ju Jung- table tennis badociation-

25 North Korean athletes, including 15 male and female athletes, came to Korea on the 15th and hosted the joint training from North Korea to Daejeon where the Korean Open took place the following day.

In addition, as a single team in North Korea and South Korea, Park Shin-hyeok and the South Korean team won the bronze medal in men's doubles at the ceremony single U21 at this tournament. In the mixed doubles ceremony, Cha Hyosung cooperated with Chang Woo-jin and won the championship.

At the Asian Games in Jakarta-Palembang in 2018, which will take place next month, the table tennis South-North, which does not form a single team, will take place at the Swedish Open in November and at the Austrian Open in men's and women's doubles.

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