`2 vs 0 → 2 vs 3` … Federer in reverse


"It's the worst feeling I can feel as a player sitting here talking about loss, I do not know how long it will take to recover."

Laughter disappeared from the face of Roger Federer (world number two in Switzerland), the emperor of turf.

Federer won the World Championship title at Kevin Anderson (South Africa) in the quarterfinals of the Wimbledon Major Tennis Tournament in London, England, He also lost two sets and lost three sets,

It's a nightmare. Federer has been at Wimbledon for the last 20 years since 1999. He has won eight times and also won the Wimbledon title as a male player. It was also a victory for the team, winning the 32nd consecutive victory before the 8th round of the tournament. After winning two sets, the record for consecutive wins has increased to 34 sets. It seemed impossible to win Federer without injury to the lawn. However, he missed Match Point in the third and fourth sets and gave it to Anderson. Anxious Anderson's Gadsbeep was tapping into every corner of the pitch, and a powerful forehand cut Federer off his feet. Federer made a mistake and did not take the game from Anderson. The following five sets. The fans who filled the stadium still believed that Federer would be in the fourth round. 5 sets do not have any brakes attached. Set Score From 6 to 6, there is a difference of two or more sets. Federer had his first match of the double fault in the 23rd game of the fifth set of the day. Anderson finished the match with a man over 210 km / h and caught Ace.

Federer confessed to "the worst feeling" at a press conference after the match and then bowed his head, saying, "It will take little time to recover or 30 minutes." Federer said: "Of course, the goal is to come back here next year."

This is the second time that Federer wins two sets at Wimbledon and drops three sets in the final. Strangely, both are in the "quarterfinals". Wimbledon, who was aiming for the seventh championship, Federer won the first set against Joe Willfried (France) in the quarterfinals, losing 3 sets to his side. All tennis fans were shocked at the time. Federer had never missed two game series in the four major leagues before the turnaround. If you take two sets, you are totally unbeaten 178 times. However, for the first time in the 179th match, I saw the bitter taste of the battle. Federer, who had been in the game for three days in a row, The game in 2011 and 2018 is the same.

Federer missing, Rafael Nadal (N ° 1 in Spain), who was waiting for many fans, has not known the last clash of Federer for 10 years. Nadal, who has been on the pitch since Federer's match, beat Juan Martin del Porto (4th place in Argentina) 3-2 in the night after finishing 5 sets that day. Nadal struggles to qualify for the final with Novak Djokovic (Serbia, 21st place).

[조효성 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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