206 days flying on the red planet … "I'm going to see human beings in 25 years" – Kookmin Ilbo


NASA's InSight satellite, InSight, landed on Mars at 27:54 on 27 April. It was only 206 days after leaving Earth on May 5th. NASA said on its homepage: "Mars has just received a new" robot resident. "NASA's ground probe has successfully landed on the plains of Elysium on the red planet. "Insight is a spacecraft that NASA has landed on its eighth landing since the first Humanely Exploring Voyager ship in July 1976.

When the Insight landing signal landed on the surface of the plain of the Elysee on Mars was transferred to Earth through the two satellites Marco of Mars in orbit, applause and applause sounded at the California State Screw control station. The landing point of the day was relayed to different countries and many people watched the historic moment. Insight deployed two solar panels after 15 minutes of landing.

Insight, which weighs 360 kg, is a fixed landing gear for 10 years since Phoenix in 2008. Unlike a mobile robot (mobile) that moves a surface and observes the surface, it will dig into the basement of Mars and collect geological data. This is the first time in the history of humanity to explore the underworld of Mars.

After inserting the insulation, NASA will check the condition of the equipment and the ground surface to determine where to install the equipment. Insight will install a ground seismograph with a robotic arm 1.8 meters long. In addition, the heat sensor to measure the internal temperature of Mars will also dig into the bottom of 5m. "The process of installing equipment on the ground will drill holes in the basement for two to three months and then one to two months after installation," NASA said. "The large-scale exploration activities of Insight will begin around March 2019," NASA said.

Space powers such as the United States, Russia, and Europe have recently opened fire on the March exploration race. "In the next 25 years, humans will be able to set foot on Mars," NASA said.

NASA plans to land in February 2021 on the Curiosity City, the new-generation "Mas 2020" exploration robot, currently used on Mars, in the Jezero crater (large pit of a diameter 49 km). March 2020 plans to use the drone to explore the atmosphere in preparation for the humanitarian visit to Mars. There is also an ambitious project to collect soil samples and send them to Earth for future explorations.

The Russian Space Agency (Los Cosmos) and the European Space Agency (ESA) are collaborating on the Martian exploration project ExoMars. In March 2021, we plan to place a Rover probe at Oxya Flanum near Mars Equator. This area is a good place to explore the existence of life because of traces of water and layers of clay. The Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA) is also developing a Rover type probe to land on Mars in 2021.

Chang Ji-young reporter [email protected]

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