28th Dawn & # 39; Red Moon & # 39; comes to mind … The longest lunar eclipse of the century is near Mars.> Multimedia News> IT · Science> News


The Korean Institute of Astronomy and Space Science predicted that the lunar lunar eclipse will disappear completely in the shadow of the earth at dawn on Saturday 28. At 3:24 on the 28th, the lunar lunar eclipse starts at 4:30 in the morning and the lunar eclipse begins and the lunar eclipse is completely blocked.

This lunar eclipse lasts from 4:30 to 6:14 for 1 hour and 44 minutes and lasts the longest of this century. However, the Research Institute in Astronomy and Space Science said that he would be able to see the lunar eclipse for an hour in Korea since the time of sunrise at 5:32 the 28th and the time of the month when the month falls is 5:37.

Why the red moon, 'Red Moon' floating at the lunar eclipse

When the moon is completely covered by the shadow of the earth, it does not become dark. It looks rather orangey red because sunlight is scattered over the Earth's atmosphere.

Most short blue wavelengths are scattered and only the long-wave red light reaches the moon's surface, so the moon does not disappear completely and you can see red doors -red.

The lunar eclipse is located in a straight line with the sun, the earth and the moon, and the moon is partially or completely in the shadow of the earth. It is a phenomenon that is blocked. This lunar eclipse is the second since January 31 and the next lunar eclipse in Korea will take place on May 26, 2021.

The red star Mars, close to the earth

Also, on July 31, at 17 hours, Mars will approach the Earth. At this time, the distance between Mars and Earth is 57 758 966 km, which is the first time in 15 years since 2003 that the distance between two planets has been reduced to 60 million km.

On March 31, as Mars gets closer to Earth, its size will increase 7 times and the brightness will increase 16 times compared to the farthest. Astronomers expect to be able to observe even the Phobos and the Deimos, the satellites of Mars if the day is clear. On July 19, Dr. Park Young-sik, Ph.D., photographed by the Dr. Astronomical Research Institute

Observing surfaces such as polar ice caps and Mars lands on a small telescope You can find Mars that can shine red to the naked eye. On the 19th, the photographs taken by Dr. Park Young Sik, researcher in astronomy, have a good image of Mars.

Cosmic show of a summer night, where to look?

Observation of the lunar eclipse and the proximity of Mars to the Moon. Various observation events are also organized. The National Gwacheon Science Museum will host a special program of observation and camping on the occasion of the lunar eclipse that will take place on Saturday at dawn.

Bae Jae-woong, director of the Gwacheon Science Museum, said that it's a chance to see Mars and the lunar eclipse that are closest to the land in 15 years, while he was camping on a warm moonlit night.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government organized the 27th Mapo-gu Noo Park encampment camp on September 27, and it is also the location of the lunar eclipse. We are preparing the program.

If you are not able to participate in the viewing program, you can look west at the sky looking for a large building or a open place without high mountains. The less artificial light, the better it will be in Seoul. If the lunar eclipse is not as easy as during dawn, do not overdo it.You can enjoy the whole lunar eclipse process in the room thanks to the retransmissions Live on Facebook and Instagramgram in Starlight Nuri Park in Jeju.

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