302g The miracle of "Love Lee" … grow up, 3 ㎏, go home now


  On the 12th, Lee Chung-koo and Lee In-seon feed their daughters who love bad milk. The love, born at 302g, was discharged healthily the day. [사진 서울아산병원]

On the 12th, Lee, Choong-gu and Lee, In-seon feed their daughters adore bad milk. The love, born at 302g, was discharged healthily the day. [사진 서울아산병원]

On January 25, an emergency occurred on the 6th floor of the Asan Medical Center in Seoul. Weight 302 grams, height 21.5 centimeters, adult female baby girl's hand size was born. Momoin (42) was pregnant 24 days and 5 days later. Although the expected date remained more than three months, the symptoms of pregnancy dependence were severe. Medical staff ruled that the mother and the child could be dangerous if they maintained the state of pregnancy and had a caesarean section. At birth, the chances of survival were less than 1%.

The baby is born a miracle after five months of hard work. Premature infants of very low weight (hereinafter referred to as premature premature infants) of 302 g are Isang Lang. Love was released from intensive care of the newborn team (Byung-Sup Lee, Professor Ju Seok) at Asan Medical Center, Children's Hospital, Seoul, 169, and was in good health at 3 ㎏ the 12. 302g is the lowest in Korea. It is the 26th in the world. Premature infants are less than 500 grams and premature infants are those born before 34 weeks of gestation or weighing less than 1.5 kilograms.

In general, premature infants weighing less than 1 kg are born with mature organs of the respiratory, nervous, gastrointestinal and immune systems. Respiratory difficulties, heart disease, meconium stenosis by meconium stenosis, systemic blood infections, retinopathy of prematurity and many other serious complications.

 A two-year-old inseparable is intensively treated in an incubator.

Two-day-born love is intensively treated in an incubator.

Love was not an exception either. It was a crisis from birth. I was born before the alveoli (lungs) were completely formed, and I could not breathe properly. Immediately after birth, the doctors urgently connected the tube to the body and breathed oxygen into the lungs of love under pressure. Premature babies had a high frequency vibration ventilator connected to breathing. Unlike the general respiratory system, it helps to maintain constant breathing while shaking. A pulmonary surfactant (a drug that helps the lung function) has also been administered in the bronchi.

If you leave it as it is, you could have damage to the retina. To make the environment similar to the uterus, the incubator has been moistened to make it cloudy.

The crisis continued. Her weight dropped to 295g after her body was pumped 7 days after birth. My mother's bad milk, fluid treatment, etc., have pbaded the crisis. The liquid injection is also a difficult task. The length of the smaller needle was similar to the length of the forearm of the beloved, so we had to be careful in placing the injection. Due to the low blood volume in the body, even a few drops of blood can cause anemia.

 On the 100th day of his birth, his mother took a picture of his love in the incubator.

On the 100th day of his birth, his mother took a picture of the love and memorial in the incubator

To avoid it, my mother swelled her milk every day and my father took it away for a month. He did not have any enteritis and was not operated on once. In two months he weighed 600g, and we put a fan.

Love Momma Lee said, "Love is the first child I have had after a long wait, and I came to fate on my father's birthday." I did not give up the rope of hope for a moment, "he said." Thanks to the dedication of the medical staff, I was released healthy. "My dad, Lee ( 38), said: "The baby has risen and has not lost hope.I can not forget how much the buzzing love saw for the first time in two months." [19659004] In Korea, about 3,000 premature babies born less than 1.5 kg are born in one year. Twenty years ago, there were about 1000 people, three times more than the maternal age. In 2014-2016, 163 premature newborns weighing less than 500 g were born and only 28% survived. If you look at the Asan Medical Center in Seoul, 33 people were born in the last five years and 17 people survived.

Professor Lim Seok-seok said, "At first I thought that a child less than a year and a half was breathing so hard that I had to" live ". Very few premature premature babies are operated on once. "There are very few cases in the world where premature babies are completely developed without complications such as intracerebral hemorrhage." Professor Jung said, "I could feel the greatness of life by seeing love overcome every crisis." The love of 5 months is less than 10 million won through health insurance.

Eisse Reporter [email protected]

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