& # 39; 21 inversion hits & # 39; LG, pin players overlap


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[OSEN=한용섭 기자] After 21 strokes, he made a recovery. It's a LG story that has not been solved recently.

LG was defeated on the 28th at KT Wiz Park in Suwon on the 28th when they finished 10-11. He scored 21 hits and scored 10 points, but he was unable to take the last KT pursuit after driving six points. KT has set a record for a home race for the team.

On the downside, LG players were replaced by a few injuries during the match. First, veteran Park Yong Taek was replaced by vertigo during the match.

Park Yong Taek, who was selected as the fifth hitter, recorded two pitches and four hits. However, he was replaced by a substitute Ssang Sang-woo in the first and second round chances of the 5th time after chasing 3-6. A LG official said, "Park Yong-taek is not hurt, he had a slight dizziness. Seo Sang-woo, who replaced Park Yong-taek, had the chance to bridge Park Yong-taek's gap with three hits, one hit and two runs produced.

However, the injured in the second half of the match are anxious. The catcher wore a bruise on the shoulder during the play of the main river. After a hit in the eighth of the eighth inning, Luke ran to the second base and touched the second base by sliding his head first. In the process, the left shoulder hit the ground and appealed to the pain.

Yoo, Gangnam was not examined at the hospital and received a frost treatment. It is unclear when he will be able to compete on the 29th. You can discover while sleeping and checking your fitness.

Kim Ji-yong, who hit the mound in the eighth, was replaced by an injury after throwing three balls. Kim Ji-yong was replaced by Park Kyeong-soo and launched only three balls. During pitching, an abnormal signal came to the body, and the coach mounted the mound and checked his body condition.
An LG official said, "He has been replaced by right elbow pain and is being treated for icing," he said. Kim Ji-yong showed elbow pain when pitching at Doosan last weekend.

However, as the pain recurred, the weekend was over and I decided to do a thorough exam on Monday. It is unlikely that he will be able to play in the 29-day race following his replacement.

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