& # 39; Alley Restaurant & # 39; Baek Jong-won, "There is no swindle and run away" … Notice of redevelopment of the son's Hong-tak house & # 39;


If you open your mouth, can you change the Son of Lying?

Baek Jong-won's "Alley Restaurant" (hereinafter referred to as "Alley Restaurant"), which aired on the evening of the 7th, portrays Paek Jong-won,

That day, I found a Hong-tak house held by a hat. My mother cooked and my son was in charge of collecting and delivering. However, the son was not able to play his role properly, which caused public frustration.

When the kitchen is over, the bosses send it to the meeting room, but Baek Jong-won leaves the mother in the store and sends it to the meeting room.

Baek Jong – asked his mother, Baek Jong – won said: "My son helps me a lot.So, Hong-tak's mother says:" I have nothing to do and I n & # 39; I have nothing to do. I was doing my job now. I worked hard, but from the moment I was lazy, I confessed my frankness.

Baek Jong-won was frustrated by the fact that his son had not found his job properly, whereas he had been running a restaurant together for four years. "I consulted my friend and told him we were going to have a restaurant together." I do not listen to what I say, I do not listen, "she said.

"I never had a baby at home because I have been working since and my husband died when my son was six," he said. I did not even have my picture taken, "he said, telling the story of his son and crying.

Baek Jong-won praised Baek Jong-won's cooking in the 30-year-old kitchen restaurant: "Even if you feel it, you are clever." Baek Jong – won said: "This house is more of a problem than a store." The mother of the family said, "Do not you think your son should live better than me?

Baek Jong-won decided to try to talk with his son because the story of his mother, Hong, said that he would like to do business with his son.

Hong Taek's son told Baek Jong-won that he would help his mother as usual. So Baek Jong-won asked for the ingredients in the refrigerator. However, his son at least had the opportunity to help him once and he had no idea what he could say.
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<p>My mother said, "I do not want to deliver because I do not have a business, but I do not want to go far, I want to bump my back."</p>
<p>Baek Jong-won, who had been working in China for about three years, said, "What did you do? Do not lie.</p>
<p>So the son, the mother heard the story for the first time. So Baek Jong-won said, "Can I go out on the air?" He said, "I'm sorry, I have to be embarrbaded, but I have to be more embarrbaded." "What should I do with my mother?"</p>
<p>"If you do not have one, I want to do it," said Baek Jong-won. "I'm afraid I'll do a good job for you in your current state, I want to go," he said frankly.</p>
<p>"It's not important that you do what you've done in the past, I was embarrbaded in the past, I tried to die because I did not have any." Business, I do not know why, I wanted, "he said in his own experience.</p>
<p>Baek Jong-won stressed the need to change: "I am persuaded to find a way to persuade myself, no matter what I do". Jae-won Baek Jong-won said, "This house will be the mental reconstruction of the son and proceed to the solution."</p>
<p>(Editor-in-Chief Kim Hyo Jeong)</p>
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