& # 39; Baeksoo OTC Shikiku & # 39; Public home shopping, stock trading history of employees (Natural Endotec)


At least 5 to 6 people would be involved in the Baishuo incident

Home shopping, which sparked controversy over suspicions that employees used stock information to buy stocks from suppliers, investigated the internal trading of all employees.
The public teleshopping company carried out a complementary audit of its own stocks, which led to new methods of investigation and additional voluntary reports on the purchase of stocks for internal information and the implementation of measures to prevent the re-emergence and management of the discipline. "I do not know.

The public home shopping service was pointed out that last year, at least 7 national government employees were accused of using internal information to buy shares of 'Natural Endotech' ", A supplier of" Baeksoo "products.

According to the Financial Services Commission, the state-owned home sales company estimated that at least five to six people are involved in related cases when four or five people voluntarily report their complaints and a CEO full-time Lee Young-pil are involved.

We filed complaints with the committee and asked if all of our employees and all direct family share transactions could be returned,

In this way, the public home shopping company plans to investigate the stock trading history of all employees internally and implement it soon.

An official at the home sales company explained, "It seems that the finances have been completed on a personal line, and the exact figures are not known," said a financial officer. We are not looking further. "

In addition, the utility company interviewed Baek Su-ogung, and when the statements of related persons are mixed, the statements confirmed that there was at least one inappropriate comment from the head of the company. team (above).

Although it is doubtful whether the score on the secondary merchant line is higher than that of the first merchant line, or that the score has been revised, it has not been confirmed that it was it was subjected to unjust or arbitrary pressure.

"In March, we revised the detailed operating standards of the Consumer Product Assessment Committee and asked external members of the committee to be civic groups and experts in the field of consumer products. We are open to the public. "

The fact that the other department manager and the seller's company intervened inappropriately in the company revealed that the content was true and that the department head was disciplined.

As a result of the badysis of records of business card use, it was found that some subjects had misunderstandings and misconceptions and that the expenses were doubled, the purchases decreasing by an average of 30%.

Lee Young-pil tried to deal with the payment of the retirement allowance to pay the fuel and tolls, but the former CEO did not agree and he is still waiting.

[email protected]

(Seoul-Yonhap News)

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