& # 39; Battle Trip & # 39; Annina, fluent English skills … charming explosion & # 39; brainsea & # 39;


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[OSEN=유지혜 기자] In "Battle Trip", the actress An Mina turns into Thailand "Khao Yai Travel Guide". In addition, he expressed interest in explaining English skills fluently and exploiting the charm of brain bad.

The design tour of the KBS 2TV Help Tour "Battle Trip", aired at 9:15 am on the night of 14-14, will be presented on the theme of "2018 rising holiday". This week, Park Eun-hye – An Mina's "An Bang Tour", which left for Khao Yai, the hidden travel destination in Thailand, will be unveiled to make the desire of travelers to travel.

Especially, Anmina has attracted attention with the appearance of the investigation on the fever before choosing the destination. I was informed by my foreign friends that I was recommended to Kao Yai of Thailand as a new travel destination, and I set fire to my pbadion for collecting various information from Khao Yai. On top of that, An Mina would have created her own travel diary for Park Eun-hye, which would have surprised Park Eun-hye and sparked curiosity about the contents of her travel diary.

Everyone was surprised. He is the interpreter of Park Eun-hye who traveled together, he communicated freely and freely with locals, he also talked about Kao without fumbling for a moment and he said that he attracted the charm of brain.

In addition to being a full-fledged traveler, An Mina will display her perfect travel guide. He naturally poured explanations of places when he reached every spot of the Khao Yai National Park in Petit France, the first vineyards in Thailand. In addition, he was surprised by the skill of the professional guide, such as ordering the menus and ordering the menu to snatch the taste of Park Eun-hye in advance.

Park Eun-hye arouses interest because he says that he gave 200% satisfaction by saying "All the travel route you have set is good!"

On the other hand, the original program of tour design and entertainment KBS (Korea Travel Show), which is an exhibition program of attraction park design, 2TV & # 39; Battle Trip & # 39; will be broadcast today (14th) at 9:15 pm / [email protected]

[사진] KBS provided.

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