& # 39; BMW Fire & # 39; recalls, but reward at the place of sale discount? > News Square 1> Company> News



After a report from KBS, the Department of Homeland Security and BMW will announce a recall plan soon, but BMW has a fire

Another fire in the BMW520d car we launched was also on fire

Firefighters were not able to directly compensate the driver.

Even before the fire was on, the warning signs were the same as previous accidents.

The accidental Moon also stepped on the accelerator pedal but did not listen to it,

Only 10 confirmed cases of the BMW520d fire this year.

million. Moon takes no action by the manufacturer and the government, even in case of repeated accidents.

[문OO/BMW 520d 화재 사고 차주 : 정말 중요하게 회의해서 이건 소비자들을 빨리 안전하게 해야 한다고 생각합니다. (만약에 같은 BMW 차량으로 보상을 해준다든가 렌트를 해준다든가…) 아, 아, 아, 안탑니다. 절대 안탑니다.”]

BMW recommends to buy a new BMW car for a car driver who needs an accident

Mr. Chung's 520d car was on fire a few months ago.

BMW, which has completed the investigation for less than a month, said that the car had been burned and that the cause of the fire was unknown, and that the compensation was difficult


[BMW 측 관계자와 피해 차주 통화/음성변조 : “‘원인 불명이다’ 이렇게 나온다면 도의적인 책임을 지기 위해서 (BMW)신차 구매 시 취·등록세를 지원해든다든가…”]

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation plans to announce a 520d recall plan this week, but will also consider BMW's compensation.

BMW Korea said that it was a reasonable compensation for customers who regularly manage their vehicles in an official service center in case of fire.

K BS News Kim Yong Joon.

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