& # 39; Brain Special & # 39; PD "Kim Jong Min, the ambition of the conquest of web art performance … MC more than expected"


You can see this article after login. [Kim] Kim Ju-hyung of & quot; Brainficer & quot; tells the activity of Kim Jong Min

In the afternoon of the 19th, Sangam Stanford Hotel in Mapo-gu, Seoul, announced that Kim Kim Jong Min, Kim Ju Hyung PD,

On this day, Kim Ju-hyung PD commented on why he threw Kim Jong-min, "Kim Jong-min is a Netflex, and I met him with you" and thought that he had a big advantage in what he was feeling right now

I thought it was not a bad idea, but I thought I could think it, and there were a lot of interesting points I thought it would be fun to discuss it with a certain subject. He said: "I've already saved about half of it, but it was one of my friends that was more than I expected. It's interesting to be good at it. but the discussion frame itself can feel the burden, and there is such a habit that makes the other person does not feel charged, as the slogan that you should not fear ignorance

Kim Ju-hyung's PD is mainly a real variety like "Running Man" and "You are a criminal." However, let's go back to the discussion program: "I have a lot of variety PD has a lot of Companies, but I wanted to experience the diversity of one of the producers, and I thought that digital arts were also a difficult field. Kim Jong-min, who debuted on the web, had the ambition to conquer the Web. [19] Kim PD think Kim Jong Min's instinct MC is "If that is said, it may be a little too clever, but it's not certain. He seems to go to such characters. I think Kim Jong – min is a person who can call on various floors. This is a person who loves a young friend to an elderly person. It's not surprising that the saying is always smart, but when Kim Jong-min sometimes speaks intelligently, it's an admiration. "/ [email protected]

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