& # 39; Cecibong & # 39; Yoon Hyung-ju was sent to the charge for embezzlement


Singer Yun Hyung-ju was charged with suspicion of misappropriating 4 billion deer, while Yoon Hyung-ju denied that it was "not embezzlement".

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According to SuSeo police in Seoul, Yoon Hyoung-ju was sent to the prosecution on March 13, suspected of ousting about 4 billion won from a developer's funds.

He is accused of buying a villa in Seocho-gu, Seoul, Seoul for $ 1.1 billion.

Yoon Hyoung-ju bought a business in 2009 and attracted 10 billion won to develop farmland in Gyeongsang Province in Gyeonggi Province.

Yoon Hyung-ju denied the allegations to the police, saying, "I spent the money I borrowed from the company, but it was not the same. embezzlement."


Yoon Hyoung-ju is the singer who has been at the center of the craze of folk songs of the 1970s. In 1968 he works with Song Chang-shik, a singer and a duo of men, "Twin Folio". He then turns to solo songs and songs like "Biwa", "Our Story" and "

In addition to that, he has produced 1400 pieces of CM songs and has also been dubbed" the chef-d & # 39; the work of CM Song. "

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