& # 39; Comeback & # 39; Warner One, the 11 personal teasers are open to everyone → visual upgrade


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The Warner One group is back.

Warner One has released a personal teaser image of his debut album "Power of DESTINY" on Oct. 31 at the official SNS. On November 3, Kang Daniel and Kim Jae Hwan were unveiled, as well as the eleven of them.

Each member has attracted the attention of everyone with his improved visuals and his particular pose in the background of the universe of red or blue tones spilling the stars, cbadettes with the beginning and the end lines.

In particular, the new visuals of Kim Jae Hwan and Gang Daniel were unveiled in the teaser unveiled on the 3rd. Kim Jae-hwan showed a charismatic look, while Gang Daniel looked at distant places with an eye on the world. excellence, raising expectations for return.

Warner won the first nine members of the series, followed by Gang Daniel and Kim Jae Hwan. Most importantly, this personal teaser includes new member visuals as well as each member's narration. It is not a simple image, but a soft voice.

The power of DESTINY, which will be published on the 19th, is a destiny that we missed, we lost ourselves, but the will of the members who want to meet again and fight against their destiny POWER) is the first regular album of Warner One.

& # 39; 1 x = 1 & # 39; Warner One, who introduced the series' & # 39; 0 + 1 = 1 & # 39;, & # 39; 1-1 = 0, & # 39; 1X1 = 1 & # 39; and so on, The will is shaped by the phrase "1¹¹ = 1", and it is expected that it will print an even greater musicality for all.

Warner won the World Tour & # 39; ONE: THE WORLD & # 39; in June and met fans from 14 cities around the world for three months. The world was filled with 'Golden Age' from Warner One. Come back on the 19th.

breeze52 @

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