& # 39; Cross Destiny & # 39; Barrett – uncompromising confrontation (full) (LG, Nexen, Samjin, SK, wins)


Nexen hacker, five scoreless innings, scoreless, innocent, NC

NC Barrett and Nexen arrive first in 6 innings … Escape from the crisis by inverting

Nexen Heroes Eric Hacker (age 35) and NC Dynos Logan Barrett (age 28) have fought a fierce battle of pride.

However, both hackers and Barrett left a few overwhelming winners not out.

Nexen hired a hacker and NC player, Barrett, as a starting pitcher in the Maika KBO league game of Shinhan Bank in 2018 at the professional baseball game held at the Gogok Sky Dome on 8 September in Seoul.

This is the first time that both launchers have been confronted, but both have already been linked in strange links to each other.

The hackers were in NC for five years starting in 2013. Hacker, who had not made any impressions in American baseball, proved himself at NC and became a player of the day. Ace in 2016 when he climbed to Dagusan (19 wins).

NC, meanwhile, said that he would build a "young and fresh" mound, but broke with the pirates after the 2017 season and welcomed new foreign pitchers such as Barrett and Wang Wei.

Barrett did not meet expectations. On May 13, he lost 2 wins and 5 losses and went down to the 2nd group. There are many fans who lack hackers, and they have been forced out of the crisis.

However, Barrett tried to regain his pride by returning to the first team last month after taking over the manager, and winning the third of the season on June 13th.

The hacker who lost his place has actively expressed his intention to return to Korea by steadily increasing his network of personal training in the United States (SNS) and signed an agreement with Nexen last month.

However, due to the long field run, he made his Nexen debut on March 3 with 4-1 / 7 innings (2 homers), 3 goals, 3 strikeouts and seven strikeouts against SK Wyverns.

Hacker and Barrett were both to win the game on the eighth day to "honor the recovery".

The hacker found himself on the mound, avoiding the break of the NC after four days of rest. Barrett overcame an injury that hit the ball during the match on March 3 and kept the rotation.

Until the middle of the day, the hacker seemed to laugh.

The hacker threw 93 shots in five innings, scoring four hits, two walks, one dirk and four strikeouts, scoring a 1-0 win over Kim Dong-jun in the sixth to take the first shot at win the season.

Barrett scored 102 points in six innings, allowing six hits, a walk and ten strikeouts. He came down from the losing situation, but the contents of the helmet did not hide behind the hacker. 10 Barré is Barret's personal best.

Barrett was defeated with the help of his colleagues.

Lee Won Jae scored 1-1 with Kim Chan-hye's ground ball in the first and third bases of the first run, and in the eighth inning, Son Sihon's swing sank in the second to eighth .

The pitcher who laughed at the team victory was Barrett.

After winning, Barrett said, "I knew the hacker was a good pitcher and I expected him to do well.

"I did not particularly care, but I prepared myself as usual," he said, "although I did not win, I'm happy to 39, have won the team with the help of all players. "

This was Sunday's first win since the LG Twins beat the 7-1 win on the 25th. It was the 13th consecutive defeat on Sunday.

Yoo Young-joon, NC's acting supervisor, honored his former hacker colleague, saying, "A hacker player met our team skillfully in the old fashioned form."

Yoo coach said: "But we did all of Barrett's pitchers to Lee Min-ho, and we were able to win by winning the match by beating the 7th match."

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