& # 39; Cuban Express & # 39; ahead of the competition … OK The savings bank leads the jump


In men's professional volleyball, the lowest OK savings fund of last year was selected. "Cuban Express" Yosubani was the driving force behind Korean Air to win a thrilling winner.

This is the reporter Ha Seongryong.


Yosubani, of Cuban descent, is a foreign player recommended by Simon, the "Best Mercenary" who ran the OK Savings Fund two years ago three years ago.

I did not have much attention at the time of the trio, but when the season started, it became a new "Cuban Express" in the first and second place of most attacks, such as the success rate , the score and the service.

He also demonstrated his offensive power against Korean Air, the main player in four consecutive wins.

He shook his defense with a powerful service that broke through the corner and hit the ball with 30 points on the blocker with a high point produced.

Cho Jae-sung, a 3-year-old, has 5 points in the under-score, and the 22-point OK Savings Fund has won two sets of first and second.

In the women's division, GS Caltex, fourth in the last season, followed.

GS Caltex scored 30 points and Lee Soo-young led the team with 3-2.

(Editing image: Park Chun-bae)

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