& # 39; don? T be afraid & # 39; … Manual of Life (complete) | dispatch


Song Hae's "Talk of Conversation" told the story of the period of Japanese colonial rule of "Song of the National Song".

Song Hae was the ninth guest at KBS 2TV's Talk of Conversation.

Yoo Hee-yeol explained Songha before distributing it. Yoo Hee-yeol said: "It's the best program to explain Korea" about "pride of the national song". I've explained about all models of MC.

The MCs met Song Hae at the coffee shop near Songhai Road. It is said that the story named Song Hae length has been revived and made a great success of popular culture after Songhae.

Song Hae also spoke about the stories told by people with disabilities in "Song of the National Song". Angkor said that he had come to me with the voice of a person who was singing. After that, many people with disabilities came to introduce themselves. It is said that there are things that a disabled person has been married to me.

Yoo Hee-yul said, "The program that naturally penetrated our lives was a" bragging of the national song. "

The story of the star appeared in "The Song of the National Song" followed. Kim Hye-yeon, Star, Song Soehee and Hong Seok-cheon said they were able to try their luck through "Song of the Nation". Song Hae then spoke about what Jang Yoon – jung appeared in "The Song of the Nation". Song Hae said, "It was cute even at that time." He laughed saying, "I asked for a souvenir."

Song Hae said worry about the possibility of continuing the reorganization. Yuhee says, "You are worried about your teacher." Song Hae said, "The protagonist of the stage is the audience," he said. "I never considered myself the main character".

Song Hae said, "I learned a lot from what I did not know through" The Songs of the National Song "." "It's a manual for me."

I could hear stories about the Japanese colonial period. Songhae said she took Songhae's name by boarding the US landing ship at Yeonpyeongdo. Busan was where Songhae did not know his destination.

At the place where he arrived in Busan, Songhae became an army soldier and said that he was in the army. Songhae was deployed as a telecommunication operator with the idea of ​​not dying. Songha learned the Morse code and told him that he was deployed as a telecom. The MCs were surprised by the memories of Song Do Morse code at the time.

Song Hae was informed of the situation of "Pyongyang Song Proud". in North Korea. In the north, Pyongyang who sung proudly declared that he was directing only the first and the last person. Songha said that he went on the scene to stand away from the observer. Songha said the prosecutor had come to him in secret and had greeted him.

When Song Hae appeared on stage, he said, "It was fun" on the north side.

Songhae went to the Geumgang and Pyongyang mountains, but he regretted that he could not go into his old age. Song Hae said, "I did not know when I went to see people by the river.

Song Hae said dreaming about "bragging about the country" in her hometown was a dream. MC asked them if they would like to be welcomed should they go to their hometown. Song Hae said, "I am proud to say" I am proud to be a national song player ".

I could hear the story of the sick family of Songhae. The crying conversation followed the loss of a child as a result of a motorcycle accident and the loss of his wife.

On the other hand, the "joy of conversation" is a talk show of a concept that meets and speaks on behalf of a "person" who changes his or her age. It is broadcast every Saturday at 22:50.

(Seoul = News 1)

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[ⓒ 뉴스1코리아(news1.kr), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

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