& # 39; Doubletree Life & # 39; Kim Ki-bum "A film and a Chinese drama shot in the past … worry for entertainment for a long time"


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Actor Kim Ki Bum. Photo | Kang Young-guk Reporter

[매일경제 스타투데이 이다겸 기자]

Kim Ki-bum revealed her impression of staying long in front of the crowd through "Duval Life".

On the morning of October 29, SBS Plus took place on October 29 in the SBS Prism Tower conference room in Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, as part of a walk in Duval Life. Lee Jeong-tae, Lee Eun-jin, Kim Ki-bum, Hwang Bora and Eun Hyun-kyung attended the presentation of the production.

Kim Ki-bum wondered about her participation in Doublet Life and said: "It was too long ago that I worried at first.

But the goal of the program is to walk, I think I can give you positive energy, so I have to choose, "he said. I walk a lot in front of the house when I want to solve bad ideas. People do not usually look at me when I walk, but I have a camera and it's embarrbading because people's eyes are focused. "

As for the recent situation, "I had finished working for the previous company, and I had to work because I wanted to do it alone, I spent a lot of time looking for new family members. sometimes went to China to shoot dramas and movies, I tried to spend time together. "

Meanwhile, Doubal Life is a program of "charged emotional arts," which is "falling in the pleasure of walking," and the stars will convey the message of walking with a close friend, loving family, and friends. colleagues while enjoying and walking slightly. The first broadcast took place on December 6th at 8:30 pm

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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