& # 39; ERA 6.56 & # 39; in the second half of the mound Nexen season, the crisis has come


  Nexen Choi Won-tae's power struggle In the afternoon of 12, KBO professional baseball Hanwha Eagles and Nexen Heroes played at the Goguryeo Sky Dome in Seoul, Korea, the Nexen pitcher Choi Won-tae throws a powerful ball. 2018.6.12

▲ Nexen Choi Won-tae's fight Nexen debutant Choi Jong-tae launches a powerful ball in the match against the Hanwha Eagles and Nexen Heroes of the KBO 2018 professional baseball game at Goguryeo Sky Dome of Guro.

The average ERP of Nexen Heroes for the first half was 4.81 (fifth) followed by 4.57 (second) when narrowed to the starting rotation. However, Nexen's ERA team in the second half climbed to 6.56 (the lowest). The prolific starting rotation of Nexen also fell to an average of 6.28 (8th place). Before the end of the first half, hope that the situation would improve with the addition of a substitute foreign player hacker was devastated.

He seemed to have a head-start on fifth place in the competition with KIA, but on May 29, Samsung gave Samsung fifth place because of defeat. Lotte and Kt, who challenged the middle clbad competition with a strong pursuit, are also unlikely to rise.

It is unfortunate that other players, with the exception of Park Byeong-ho, who challenges the house king, are not happy enough, but if the mount collapses to the end, the uptrend of Nexen should not continue.

The best domestic pitchers to start, the crisis that came their way

Choi Won Tae, Han Hyun-hi, Shin Jae-young at the Korean pitching pitchers only If you look, c & # 39 is the best in the league. There are not many teams that have a solid home starter.

Choi Won-tae is the first player in the league to have won the league's top 10 all-time throwers in the league this season. It's a pitcher. Jakarta-Palembang was unable to qualify for the Asian Games final, but he showed his best start in the team. Han Hyun-hee, who has had the most stable season since the start of the season, is currently in eighth place and should win double-digit numbers.

Choi won 3-1 in ERA 5.32 in four games in July, and is in the middle of an unstable ground for the second half (ERA 9.00). Han Hyun-hee also failed to win the 4.28 ERA this month and suffered a severe drop in ERA 8.74 in two games in the second half of the month. Shin Jae-young (ERA 3.38 in 4 games, 2-2 ERA in July, ERA 4.15 in 2 games, 2 games in July) was a little better than the two pitchers

It may be a phenomenon temporary, but he worries. Han Hyun-hee has the most heats since his professional debut this season, and Choi Won-tae is likely to pitch fewer innings than last year (149.1 innings). Since the opening of the regular season, both pitchers have continued to spin without breaking their entries, as they have increased their weight in various variables such as the sagging Shin Jae-young and the foreign thrower replacement .

5th Place The Resurrection of Korean Launcher Is So Desperate. Even if you live in the playoffs and live in the rankings, you will not be able to play baseball for a long time if starters are exhausted. Fortunately, the two throwers are not currently in the Asian game, so they can take a break if they are not added to the game.

The pirates are focused on … The pens must be refurbished 19659004] Foreign throwers should lighten the burden of Choi, Won – tae and Hanhyeon – hee. The hacker slipped to the ERA 6,18 in the first three games of his career, including a 1 to 2 ERA in five games. Fortunately, he has been dragged over six innings in the last two games.

If two throwers do not play a shot, it's up to the Korean starter to take the bag. I have not experienced for a long time as a starting pitcher. Nexen is expected to be able to go playoff in the face of Rogers' replacement pirates

The bullpen, which is shaking as well as the starter, must be handed over to new. In July, Nexen's average ERP for the bullpen was 7.03, followed by kt (7.15). Kim Sang Soo (July 8 ERA 1, 4 save ERA 13.50) and Lee Bo-keun (9 games 1 ERA 2.00 ERA 9.00) must suffer. Yang Hyun, who fared well last month, showed a precarious appearance for the month.

If the team falters, it will be difficult for the team to keep their heads in a tight spot. In fact, among the defeated games of this month, there have been several times that the winner of the team winner has led to the defeat of the team.

Due to the nature of the stadium (Gokseok Sky Dome), it's a chance to rest in the rain as long as Nexen does not face the rain on its course. Less. So we played 104 games this season and Nexen is the team that has played the most games in the league. Now there are only 40 games left.

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