& # 39; Home Plus Special & # 39; Battlefield Mokdong Landing Dispatch … Present a New Paradigm


  Photo Image <홈플러스 스페셜 목동점 전경>

The Homeplus Special focuses on "Home Plus Special" through "Daegu and Busan" and "Seoul 1st Store" in Mokdong.

We aim to record double-digit sales growth every year for the next three years by converting existing stores into "Home Plus Special" centered on the main core business areas in Korea.

19659003] Homeplus has announced the reopening of its Homeplus Special Mokdong store, which remodeled the Mokdong store on the 12th.

'Home Plus Special & # 39; is a brand new model that was announced by President Kim Il Sung at the press conference held last March. [Home] [Special] "From the supermarket to the discount warehouse, Is this a hybrid discount store that you can choose. It is a new concept of large shopping center that can use not only a household of a person buying as much as needed, but also a customer who loves big-box products at a price. high. Homeplus plans to expand to 10 stores by the end of next month and to 20 stores by the end of next month, including the 13th Dongdaejeon store.

<img src = "http://img.etnews.com/photonews/1807/1090338_20180711134849_069_0002.jpg" alt = "Photo Image

<img src =" http: //img.etnews. com / photonews / 1807 / 1090338_20180711134849_069_0002.jpg "alt =" In addition to the large capacity and high capacity products found in the household nuclear family, they will not be forced to compete with nearby discount stores. who only sell high volume products. ] Mokdong Home Plus Special is just 1 mile from the Costco Yang rating discount store and the direct distance, and 2.7 km from Lotte Mart's Yeongdeungpo department store. Is the explanation of the company. Above all, "Home Plus Special", which opened in Mokdong, a shopping franchise in Seoul's main shopping district, is filled with confidence and confidence from Homeplus to receive sober customer appraisal.

Mokdong store is a red and white guide. It has an open copper wire.

At the top of each store, a small package of small packages, which were available from existing department stores, were on display. That's it At the bottom of the store, we have a large volume product with a very low price and a differentiated product that is sold exclusively by Homeplus. ” clbad=”art_img”/><홈플러스 스페셜 목동점 내부>

Flowing water and large capacity toilet paper, etc. ” clbad=”art_img”/><홈플러스 스페셜 목동점 내부>

This is a kind of discount store that has high volume products but offers a reasonable badortment of products that can be consumed in one or two families or a family with young children. Large items are displayed on pallets. In the case of these products, customers were forced to refrain from continuing to expose until they had exhausted all elements of the pallet.

This new model of Homeplus thus proves its potential. Homeplus Special Daegu and Seo Pusan ​​sales were opened on September 27th and 28th, up 113.2% year-on-year. Not only was single sales growth, however, the number of visitors increased by 45% year-over-year.

By Lee Soon, CEO of Homeplus, "More customers stay longer and buy more products." In the changing environment of domestic and foreign distribution, we are determined to approach customers with true value and excellence.

On the other hand, CORNERS, a community community center (Mall), which Homeplus will show, plans to launch a complete change with the opening of its first store in December. 19659003] Lee, Joo-hyun distribution specialist reporter [email protected]

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