& # 39; HyunBok Combi & # 39 ;, South-North Single Team, Korea Open 16


Choe He (North team) mixed doubles who played as one team in North and South Korea – Joo Yoo (south side) Joe was stuck in the wall of the Ace Duo of Korea at International Open Table Tennis Competition of Korea

The first day of the tournament, Choi Il-yu, who achieved his first victory of the team with a spectacular 3-2 win against Spain in phase playoff on the first day of the tournament,

World number one and number one women's World Ace Gwang-hee (number 30) are talented players who aim to win a gold medal in mixed doubles at the Asian Games of Jakarta-Palembang next month.

After the defeat was confirmed, Yoo Grace approached Lee Sang Soo and Won Hee with a bright smile and congratulated the victory and took a picture together.

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