& # 39; I want to know & # 39; Is it really dead? The truth revealed by the savior Shinto


[조이뉴스24 박용근 기자] "I want to know" explains the mystery of Yue Wei's death.

The 14 SBS "I want to know", "the last 5 days, and the last puzzle, the mystery of death"

◆ endless suspicion – why his death became a mystery

In June 2014, a stranger was found in the plums of Suncheon, Chonnam Province, and forty days later, his identity was replaced by the former president of Yoo Byeong-eun who had escaped in pursuit of the sword. It has turned out. Even after the official announcement by the National Institute of Scientific Investigation, the suspicion that the plum farmer was not the president has not been diminished.

From the question of whether a person can be corrupted by the state of the bones remaining in the bone for 18 days, there was a doubt about the body's attitude, doubts about the physical characteristics, There was a voice in the house that denied the death of President Yoo and death itself.

"I want to know." Even after four years, his death remained a mystery or a mystery to the point that he did not doubt the death of President Yoo.

◆ Hi, Yue Wee opened to the death of the former president

Anseong Kwangwon, home of the Christian Evangelist Baptist Association, the so-called "bride of salvation". After the death of former President Yu Byeong-eun, the Golden Gate Gate was closed for the first time to the media. The crew managed to convince the Salvationists involved in the last act of President Yoo and to share the interview.

These are Kim Mom, driver Yang and Professor Lee, who participated in the Yoo Escape, which was relayed throughout the country in real time. What is the truth about the circumstances of President Yoo's escape and death, who are the first to speak in front of the media?

◆ The body knows – the reconstruction of death

The crew also tests suspicions about the death of former president Yoo Byung-eun in a scientific manner. Through bribery rate confirmation experiments conducted with forensic experts at home and abroad, we will reveal the process of body development, which was the biggest issue of death from President Yoo. In addition, we examined the growth rate of flies and maggots taken from the body with law insectologists to estimate the time of death. Through the autopsy book obtained by the secret society, we confirm the various entangled suspicions in the body.

In the "I want to know", which airs Saturday night at 11:05, we follow the remaining suspicions about when, where, how and why he died and guess the last puzzle of his death.

[사진=SBS ‘그것이 알고 싶다’ 예고 영상 캡처]

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