& # 39; KAL rating & # 39; … Is there a possibility of body / body collection?



As I said, we focused on the incident that we just told under the spotlight of Lee Kyu Yeon, our exploration program released today (29th) in the press room.

In particular, it is said that we have secured fuselage debris that we consider to be KAL858 in Myanmar.I will start by sharing a part of the wreck with Mr. Lee, Gyu-yeon, who is responsible for what it is and what it means.

Welcome There are three on the table in front of us. Is this rubber the first? Is it leather?




Are you excited? What is it used for?


This is where we picked up this.

So, it is estimated that KAL has crashed.

In the vicinity, we searched for a cover for 8 days and 7 nights, then we retrieved it.

But this has been verified by an aviation expert.

"It's not a boat or a car, it's a part of a plane." It is part of the braking system of the landing gear, a system of landing and landing. "

The meaning of this tube is that the name of Goodrich is mentioned here, which is written in English.

This is Good Reach, the 858 is the Boeing 707.


707. Is not he coming out now?


Yes He was arrested and was the name of the Boeing delivery company at the time.


Right The team that investigated this case was our team in the spotlight and the fact-finding team accompanied you?




So where did you get that, exactly?


This is the collection area that we found in the sandbox of the fishing village of the Andaman Sea.




It's up to 96 years old.

In 1996, a fisherman claimed to have fired from the sea, about 50 km from the sea.

So at the time, there was a big metal fuselage on the landing gear.

It was not worth the price, so it was not worth it because the metal, scrap metal.


It's rubber.


Vessel fastening. So, it was used as a substitute for the anchor.


You found it and we brought it.




What is the iron?


It is also one of the same braking devices.

It's the same thing that bereaved families brought in front of Chun Doo-hwan's sister.


Is it true?


These rubber rings are said to be bonded to form the braking device.


Is this the top of the wreck that bereaved families are now placing on the set?




Did you bring it?


And it also contains rubber.


So what's in the box?


This is also a braking device.


I think it was metal.


It is made of metal and rubber on the inside.

It is made of rubber tube.


By the way, if you take a moment to tell the story of 96 years, you said that in 1996 the fishermen bought it and used it as an anchor to keep the vessel going. How did you find it then?


It is therefore about 50 km from the coast.

Then what was pulled.

I have therefore seen attached a very expensive metal and a landing gear.


I know that he is aware of the existence of such fishermen and the fact that he uses them, and how did you know that you had brought them?


It's a terrible thing to do.

There are already a lot of wrecks in this area, which is a rumor.

So one of the rumors came to us.

And at the council, I went into the family reunion.


So that's the value of existence by this, as a basis. What else did you say you had a lot to say now? For example, was everything sold on a booth or something?


Yes We have done reports on the spot and many of them have already been sold to Thailand.

A lot of debris.




Yes a lot


Then you can not find the wreck, and you can not find corpses.




Have not you had a little more control at this time?


Yes it is the part where the bereaved people lament like that for 31 years and they are so unhappy.

At that time, there was no body, no ashes, no goods.

I could not find a central body either.

There was a reason.

More than 100 people have lost their lives and I have been looking for them for ten days.


It's a really ridiculous situation.


Thus, during the ten days, I found none, not even the facts.

Floats have been floating there for a few years since the end of the research.

So it was seven tanks after that, seven cases.

It was seven o'clock and he was floating.


It does not run.


I could not.

So, if that's what we found, it is still estimated that there are 858 debris, but we can not say it yet.




I can tell you that this is a strong badumption of KAL858, but I can not confirm it.

There is a reason why we are so strong.

The first is that we are from Hapcheon, Hapcheon Waste Company.


Gyeongnam Hapcheon?


I've found a fleet of Boeing 707 aircraft out there.

It has been a long time since the Boeing 707 was stopped.

There was therefore no object to compare, plane.

So we made it more difficult to get a report and we found that there were 707 aircraft in the plane.


Of course, not to mention the 707 vestiges of Myanmar.




Another plane. That means you went to compare.


I used it on Korean Air and it was destroyed.


Is it like that? Until Hyo.


Yes So we compared that and the landing gear that we picked up.

I thought Goodrich was written here.


You have delivered from the same company.


And another is the matter, the shape, the size.

These things are similar.


If this is the case, it is likely that it will come from the 707 and only one of the 707 would have fallen overboard. So it can reasonably be inferred that it can be estimated at 858.


There is another important part here.

Two major air accidents occurred in the area of ​​the Andaman Sea.

The accident occurred last year.

Then it was the accident of KAL in 1987.

I found this fisherman in 1996.


So, no matter if you think about last year?


And the other, you know, when we look at the parties, long ago spent in the ocean.

There was something like a goose here.


You have all torn off?


Yes If you look at it, it was not last year and if you look at it, it is possible that it 's a remnant of KAL.

However, of course, experts and official organizations should confirm.

So, a strong estimate can be seen that this can be done.

It can be seen that the point of discovery is in fact very important.


Of course.


If that's the premise.

The premise is that while it's the rest KAL858, the important parts that have sagged are coming out.

If that's the case, I can extend to a certain extent the collision point that is now in the labyrinth.

Another possibility is the possibility of recovering these remains or remains quite high.

Another subject is still the subject of much controversy over the cause of the accident.

I do not do the right thing.




It is also possible for a fuselage to come out to reveal the cause of the accident.

And although it makes a lot of sense …


But why do not you go to the Andaman Sea? Situation For example, if you are studying such a thing now, it is a condition that you can find.


Yes Even if the weather was a little similar, the sea itself is very transparent.

So, if you look at this kind of thing, you can see the inside of the sea.

Depth and depth are also 40m or less.

Depth of water.


It's never too deep.




But now I ask another question. There is an ocean current. I do not know how fast this current turns, but is it possible that it comes from another region because of currents?


Things like these brakes are hundreds of kilograms tied up.


It does not only exist.


According to him, there was a big metal to which he was attached.


The metal was sold and sold to China.




Is everything gone? Is that what you are talking about?


Yes that's why we did that.

There was a big tsunami in the area.

But this has not been the case for decades.


No? Then I can only think that the probability is very high considering various conditions.


Of course, we can not confirm or confirm.


Of course that's it. Agree I heard this and the news of today is over and they are being released in the spotlight. Lee was director of the Planning and Planning Bureau. Thank you

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