& # 39; Mother & # 39; The story of a new mother who could not imagine anyone … Take away the accusations of murdering your son.


The movie "Still" is aired on EBS's Korean Movie Special & # 39; the eighth day.

The film & # 39; Mother & # 39;

Bong Joon-ho's films have deliberately ignored or distorted the convention of the genre while borrowing the characteristics of the genre.

The film & # 39; Mother & # 39; is also an extension of earlier works, as a complete set of gifts for cinematic pleasure. That does not escape.

However, unlike earlier work in which the realities of Korea deepen the story in the depths of the drama and scales of the genius genre, the film "Mother & # 39; There is only a limited number of films. There is only "mother" and her sincere "struggle".

Focusing on the inner spectacle rather than on the outer scale, pushing until the end the "mother fight", the contours of emotions will lead the audience

to the l '; Like the director, the honest drama "Mother", which fiercely exposes the stories that may occur in the original existence of "mother", as the magnifying glbad that burns the sun at one point, is a look outstanding at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival Nomination He won the Best Actress Award and the Foreign Language Film Award at the 36th Chicago Critics Association Awards

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