& # 39; Multi-purpose Chelsea & # 39; Chelsea, PAOK 4-0 … 1st place 5 wins in a row> Football> Sports


& # 39; Multi-purpose Chelsea & # 39; Chelsea, PAOK 4-0 … 5th set of wins

Enter 2018.11.30 (07:59)

Revision 2018.11.30 (09:19)

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United Nations News

Olivier Jiru, the English striker from Chelsea, is part of the team for the first time in five years and has won five of the seasons of the UEFA Europa League.

Chelsea won 4-0 at PAOK in Stamford Bridge, London on Wednesday, and a bruised multiple goal in the home leg of the fifth leg of the UEFA Europa League group stage for 2018-2019.

Chelsea, who confirmed the 9th minute in the 32nd minute, retained their first place with five straight wins in the group league with a hot showdown against PAOK.

Seven minutes remained in Chelsea before PAOK defender Juan Heca Cheridi was ejected in the first period.

In the 27th minute of the first half, Chelsea, who scored a preliminary goal,

UEFA Europa League champions Bayer Leverkusen (Belarus) and UEFA Europa League champions Bayern Bayern (UEFA Europa League) won the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League II scored two goals during the day and his team recently scored three goals in a row.

Chelsea finished 0-2 in the second half, and Alvaro Mora scored in the 63rd minute of the second half, following a gap from columnist Hudson Oddo.

Chelsea scored 10 goals in the group stage and one goal in the group stage to keep the group's first place with 15 points and challenge the unbeaten 32nd place. .

[사진 출처 : EPA=연합뉴스]
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