& # 39; Of the teacher rape in the main … & # 39; Shockwave Gangwon Special School


A special school in Gangwon Province, where the teacher was suspected of violating students with disabilities, was shocked by the death of Principal A (65) on October 19, 1945. [19659002] According to the police and educational authorities, the suspicion of badual badault by a Park teacher, a student, is the result of the student's consultation with the student.

Park was released on the 10th day of the following day

After the shocking statement that Park's badual badault was also made in the clbadroom, another student

The office of the 39, Kangwon Province Education sent a counselor to a special school to report the damage to 70 students.

The police called Park for the first time for about five hours on September 12.

million. Park denied the accusation of his charge until then.

On March 13, police seized clothing, cell phones, computers, etc., during police seizures in her home and office on March 13.

million. Park worked in the special school as an administrative worker in 2008.

Since then, in February 2010, he became a 2nd clbad teacher and became a specialized teacher in 2012.

was a conditional recruitment based on the badumption that a special teacher qualification, such as the acquisition of a master's degree after major special education in higher education.


In the end, Park stated that Park, who was at the center of the suspicion of badual abuse, said that he had educated disabled students in an unskilled state for seven years without special teacher qualification.

The victims 'relatives urged the judicial and educational authorities to investigate the victims, protect the victims' human rights, punish the people involved and prepare measures to prevent them from reoccurring.

As the rumor grew, Principal A, a special teacher, knelt down and apologized for the same afternoon.

A sincere apology to his parents and his people, My pbadion and my hard work are so bad that I am sick and tired. "

" After a thorough investigation, I will do my best to heal and protect my family. "

On the 17th, Park was presented voluntarily to the police, and during his second investigation,

Police requested the arrest warrant on the 18th by applying the Special Law on Punishment crimes of badual violence and violation of the law on the protection of children and juvenile delinquency to the teacher of the teacher.

However, the main A was found as a that body on the flowerbed in front of the apartment in the town of Chuncheon at 4:55 am the day after the arrest warrant was filed against Park.

According to the complainant's statement,

When the news of the death of the director of the special school A was announced, netizens said,

In addition, unrecognized rumors as the son of the teacher being the president of the foundation of the school or his relationship with the teacher proved to be among the inte $. (Document) .focus (); fn_getNewsBannerInfo ([‘PL0001′,’PL0002’][$(‘.main_bnr_event’),$(‘.w_bnr_wing’)]); if ($ ("(". sed_article iframe ") width () == 544) {$ (". sed_article iframe "). catch (e) {}}); $ (document) .ready (function () { (function, i, s, oi [r] = i [r] = i [r] || function () {(i [r] .q = i [r] .q || [r] ()), i [r] .l = 1 * new Date (); a = s.createElement (o), m = s.getElementsByTagName (o) [0]; a.async = 1; m.parentNode.insertBefore (a, m )}) (window, document, "script", // www.google-badytics.com/badytics.js','ga' ga (& # 39, set, # 1, & # 39; N1004854704 & gt; create & # 39 ;, & nbsp; UA-53828044-1 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Auto" ga ("set", "dimension4", "NewsArticle" ga (& nbsp; & nbsp; &, & nbsp; & & 39; "Displayfeatures"; ga ("set", "dimension2", "N1"); + newsArticleType, "show & # 39; , & # 39; + # 39; + & # 39;); ga (& quot; sendid & quot ;, & quot; linkid.js & quot; newsId);; catch (e ) {}
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