& # 39; Park Hwa-Young & # 39; Kim Gahui's Jane of Dreams & # 39;


[조이뉴스24 유지희 기자] The act of Kim Gah-hee in the movie "Park Hwa-young" (Director Yihwan, rap film production name) is intense enough that he can not believe that he has stars in the feature film.

What about Kim, Gah-hee who played at Park Ha-young? There was nothing different from any other new actor. I was wondering what kind of evaluation would be given to the first feature film, and I was wondering if the criticism was going to be broadcast.

The name of Kim Gah-hee is still unknown to the public. His first feature filmography is the short film "Jump Shot". in 2012, but he remained on several theatrical scenes and shined face to face in various works to get acquainted with the camera. However, I devoted myself to works that could add a little action to "get a lot".

In addition to the movie 'Home', 'Dream Jane', '### Maiden Flight & # 39; and & # 39; & # 39; Park Hwayoung's, the number of works has been increased and the playing depth has been increased. "I was lucky," he says humbly, but his acting skills would have been a big plus. In particular, as "Lee Hwan Hwan, Park Hwayoung only had Kim Gah-hee," Kim Gah-hye is Park Hwa-young in "Park Hwa-young". The film is a film on this earth, the lives of teenagers in front of them. Recently, at a coffee shop in Jung-gu, Seoul, Joy News 24 met Kim and talked about the movie outside.

Among scenes with a high degree of cigarette smoking, violence, bad, etc., Park Hwayoung attracts attention. A body short and horny like a boy. Kim has transformed an appearance, as the weight increase of more than 20 kg for the character. "I thought I should not play Park Hwa-young but Park Hwa-young," said Kim Gah-hee, "It's harder than I was expecting, and I'm not going to play. still have a lot of problems. "

"It was a lot of pressure, I took a lot of work, but the audience is very surprised and expressive, and I'm scared because I do not have the khan The strongest like Park Hwayoung.

Park razed a knife in front of her mother who had abandoned her, but she did not know how to do it because she wanted to act as an actor. It's disruptive, like breaking the old castle.The police do not hesitate and smoke in the office without hesitation.Fight four-to-one.However, behind the surface is a layer of weakness such as injury and loneliness.

"I watched the movie" Kevin "that the bishop sent me as a reference, and the past that I hated suddenly resurfaced with panic and depression, I did not have the same life as Kevin or Parkhayoung I had a similar lack of action, there were moments of sacrifice for someone, and not just one. for me, but sometimes I thought it could be Park Hwayoung, and at other times it could be undecided. 19659002] Although it is not easy to draw, Kim has only played one word, "fantasy," in his head. "Park has a sense of responsibility to behave like a mother, and suddenly a new character appears, and yet he is ready to take responsibility, but later, when he says," What mother? "I thought of fantasy."

Kim Khae is twenty-seven years old this year. But he asked me if there was an obstacle to the expression of the young Parkhwa Young, aged 18, aged 9 years old. Kim said, "I have a lot of juvenile emotions." "I usually like to wear as a student, and while I'm on social networking sites, I look for meaning when I get new words that I do not know" (laughs). "

Although he seems to be the leader among children of his age, Park is the least prey and prey of them.There are many scenes where they are beaten and insulted. [19659002] "My brother Jae-gyun acted like a theater actor, and he beat me so much that I could feel him like that. I have shared and practiced, especially since there are so many violent gods, I have thought about what is the biggest fear, and then I do not know what to do next, as if I kept kicking while I got up to ask.

Because I had to pour out real feelings, there was a moment when I arrived with "uk". When I went out and went to the scene, I laughed and said, "I'm fine!" I had the impression of having those feelings, but I should not collapse, "

With the actor Kang Min-ae, the actor who plays an emotion similar to the maternal love, slowly began by removing the clumsiness. "My boss asked me to make a phone call once a day, and at first I picked up some strange words like" I applied my manicure ". I laughed and laughed after that, but it helped me to breathe. "

Although he appeared briefly as a silver star, Kim said that" I'm laughing and laughing. " he was able to solve the "Jane of Dreams" through "Park Hwa-young" 19659002] "I told him that he was the best actor of my profession, but when he did it he himself did not play well when he was a "dream jane", and he was sorry he could not do it. I thought I had solved it in 'Park Hwayoung', but I was able to show myself in many scenes,

Though the evil is still scary, but that the spiritual power is still strong, I can not stop it.

"When badyzing the character, there were a lot of things I thought at first," I would not make such a choice if I were the same. "Why do you make such an abnormal choice, I do not know, I do not know what to do, but I do not know what to do if I do not know what to do, I do not think people will change at the same time.

"I was not polite like a pebble, and the boss liked it so much that he continued to polish it, but after meeting a good guy like his trainer, (laughs)"

On the other hand, "Parkhwa Young" is the "snowball" and "the turning point of the year", and it's a great honor for me to play Park Hwa This is the third film of the Eunhye Film Lab, which was released on the 19th and is screened at the theater.

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