& # 39; PD Notice & # 39; An in-depth coverage of the long-term nature incident, Jo Hee-cheon "Let's see in the short" · · Jeong Se-ho "Not entertaining"


Photo: MBC & PD notebook & # 39; Broadcast Capture

& # 39; PD Notebook & # 39; has dealt in detail with the last great natural event that left the world in 2009.

On 24, MBC & # 39; PD Notebook & # 39; aired "The Greatest Nature Part 1" 24. Over the past nine years, I have come into contact with characters that appeared on the list of natural causes to discover all kinds of suspicious and conjectured events. "The actress is a case of damage to the nature of nature," a document that begins with the story of the entertainment venues that she was forced to live. There were famous people like renowned journalists, bankers, theater coaches, and so on. At that time, Jang Nature was suffering from desecration, aggression and hostility on the part of his agent Kim Jong-seung.

As Zhang's nature appealed to the fact of death by death, the public's interest in the characters included in Chapter 4 was high. At that time, police investigated 27 police officers who had investigated 118 detainees, but seven of the 20 police officers who had been investigated by force or prostitution were sent to the prosecution.

In the four documents left by Jang Nature at the time, there was a detailed list of the hospitality list for which he was forced to live. The production team of "PD Notebook & # 39; specified the names of people already known.

Joe Hee-cheon, former Chosun Ilbo reporter, Chung Seo-ho's CEO, acknowledged that he was on the golf stage in Thailand, Park Moon-duk Hideo Jinro, President of the Philippines, and President of Chosun Ilbo Bang Sang- 19659003] According to the show, Jo Hye-cheon, a former journalist from Chosun Ilbo, was charged with badual harbadment but was not prosecuted. At that time, the wife of Cho was serving the prosecution, and many who considered the facts as the main reason not to be prosecuted.

The reporter went to see Cho and asked him if there had been badual abuse. When the reporter approached the vehicle and continued to ask questions, he also filmed on a cell phone saying "I invaded the space."

President Park Moon-duk, who appears to have accompanied Zhang Naturally on a plane to Cebu, Philippines, told his colleagues that his account would give him 10 million won I did. A policeman who investigated Park at the time said in the show, "(Park calls for a check) Kimbap .He said that he gave me some money. money for kimbap. "The police and the prosecution have not conducted additional investigations into Park's suspicious statements.

It is also claimed that the president of Chosun Ilbo who is written in the document on the nature is Chun, the general manager of Chun Doo TV. Based on the statement of the director of the road at the time, the production team pointed out that it was possible to hide the fact that the name of the newspaper policeman disappeared in the same document after police investigation.

Jeong Se-ho PD, who won the award for best Korean film in 1999 and the prime minister's recommendation in 2002, acknowledged the fact that he traveled with Thailand. But "Do not Shout Like Dogs."

"PD Notebook" interviewed Actor A, who was with nature,

Mr. A is an artist "They are not". did not say, "I am what I am", but I still know them so high. "Mr. A, who comes here with a president and a representative, said," I had to go to the table in a drinking night with my agency representative, the financial person, and the old one. journalist. I went up and danced while singing. He pulled and sat on his lap. I was surprised and my sister was surprised. I sat on my lap and my sister got up again. I also touched the body part, "he said.

He said," If my sister had been alive, I would cooperate with the investigative agency in the hope that she would not do that for me. I did my best to tell you that it was true that I had seen it, but none of them paid for it.

"The Last Nature of Part 2" will be released on the 1st of next month, which will be treated in detail about the process of investigation and concealment of the natural event.

Department of New Media [email protected]

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