& # 39; Rating canceled & # 39; – gone two days earlier … Calendar of the Asian twisted game football team


  Kim Hak-beom led an Asian football team.

Kim Hak-beom led an Asian football team. Reporter Yang Kwang Sam

Canceled the previous game evaluation. Start faster …

A national Asian football team looking to win the second consecutive tournament urgently coordinated the preparation schedule. South Korea, led by Kim Hak-bum, will join the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the United Arab Emirates, absent from the Asian Games draw of 2018 at the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Bahrain, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan and Group E, and the group will play four matches. Initially, the men's Asian Games football was to be played in 24 teams divided into 6 groups and 3 teams in each team. However, as the United Arab Emirates and Palestine failed in the draw, the two teams came up against an additional draw on the 25th.

From Korea's point of view, the preparations themselves were also twisted because the program was different from the original program. South Korea has canceled the domestic badessment program against Iraq scheduled for 9 September. This is because the first game of the group stage was held on the 12th, two days earlier than the 14th. As the schedule of the first match was changed, the schedule of departures from the national team was also raised two days earlier, from 10 days to 8 days.

The preparation time has also decreased. The national team decided to leave the training session at the Paju Football Training Center (NFC) on the 31st of this month. Choo Hyun-woo (Daegu FC) will join the training on August 31, and striker Hwang Soon-Jo (Gamba Osaka) will play for the first time on 6, Son Heung-min (Tottenham) He will be joined later in Indonesia. The moment to join Hwang Hee-chan (Salzburg) and Lee Seung-woo (Hellas Verona), who are the pillars of power, has not yet been determined.

If the team has four games in the group league, and if the tournament is held in the final, the team must pay up to eight games in three weeks. The program to play at least one day is included in the group. As a national team, it was necessary to bear a considerable burden on the management of the team, including physical fitness.

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