& # 39; Season 17 & # 39; Cabbage … The percentage on the base has exceeded 4% – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.07.07 10:18

[OSEN=김태우 기자] Choo Shin-soo (36, Texas) continued his career in 45 consecutive races with two consecutive games.

Choo Shin-soo played for Detroit in the Detroit Detroit game in Detroit in a 1-in-1 hitter's game, scoring two hits in four home-games and an RBI. He was the only player in Texas to score a homerun.

Choo Shin-soo, who was in base percentage of 3.9 ounces the day before, was hit twice in the day. I have 4-1 percentage chances on the base. The slugging percentage also increased to 0.503 and the OPS (percentage based + slugging percentage) rose to 0.904.

Choo's performance was brilliant while Texas training was largely silent. Choo, who sat the day before, crashed a cannon on the first day. Detroit starter Zimmerman in the second round of 91 miles (146 km)

However, Texas gave two points in the second run, and after that, he was trailed without catching up with his score. Choo Shin-soo was also struck off three times in the second set and retired in the sixth inning with a right field ball.

Choo Shin-soo finished the game several times with a forehand against Jiménez in the ninth inning at the plate. I struggled. However, after the second batter, Andrews left second base and finished the game. Texas also failed to catch up and went 1-3. Choo will challenge Julio Franco (46 games) in the match on August 8th. /[email protected]

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