& # 39; Team Leader & # 39; Key brilliant, embarrassment on the theme of the confrontation "I do not know what taste of rice" Home> Entertainment> Broadcasting and TV <! – -> <! – -> <! –

2018-07-07 18:36 Song

JTBC Capturing & # 39; Team Leader & # 39; © News1

Shinyiki reported her appearance.

In JTBC's "Tim Chef", which aired on 7 at 6:10 pm, Thai pancakes and a key figure from Korea emerged as a special badessment team of taste.

The day, Pancake said, "I am honored to sit beside me because he is a fan." He described the use of the pancake name as "a name given by a mother who likes to make desserts."

Jung Hyungdon said, "The pancake is still looking at Shiny Key." Pancake asked "I want to listen to the song live" and I was embarrbaded by the key.

"I do not eat carbohydrates, especially I do not know what is the taste of rice," he says, "I like rice cakes made with brown rice or rice, but I "I do not like rice noodles." He said. "I thought of rice, which is the subject of the day.

choyam @

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