& # 39; The Endless Masterpiece & # 39; Choi Jin-hee's ceremony Lee Lee-he fire Heavenly meeting & # 39;


  Image of the body

`Endless masterpiece` Choi Jin Hee. Photo by KBS2

[매일경제 스타투데이 이우주 인턴기자]

Singer Choi Jin-hee shows his relationship with comedian Lee Ji-il,

Choi Jin-hee, who debuted as a member of the group 'Hanultari'. in 1983, gave birth to famous songs such as "You My Life," "Love Maze," Heavenly Reunion & # 39; .

The entertainment program KBS2, to be broadcast on the 21st, will be held on May 21 and will be held on July 21 Choi Jin Hee, who appeared legendary in the song "The song of the legend", told an anecdote about the song "Heavenly Reunion". "When Lee Yoo He was active, he was very precious to me.

After that, Choi Jin-hee said," My teacher is dead and I have a heart that wants to do the funeral ceremony . & # 39 ;. When I think about it, my heart always hurts. "

On this day, artists include Hong Kyung Min, Daewon, Kim Yong Jin, crossover band Forte Di Quattro, singer Kim Nani, contemporary dancer Jinsuk Soon, newsgroup, and Kay of the Lovers "The team reinterpreted the famous songs of the legendary Choi Jin-hee with colorful genres, capturing the audience's heart.

On the day of Choi Jin-hee, on the other hand, Kim Tae-woo, a special MC who waits in the discussion room, will show her fullness as a daily special MC.

On the other hand, KBS2's Song of Endless Love – Legend & # 39; will air on June 21 at 18:05

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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