& # 39; The Roh Book & # 39; Kim Byung-jun faces Roh's direct line at Roh Moo-hyun – Kookmin Ilbo


Kim Byung Jun ( Photo ) The President of the Korean Emergency Management Agency called the late President Roh Moo-hyun. It was a book by Roh Moo-hyun and he returned to the head of the first Conservative opposition party, which he adored as his former companion and political comrade.

President Kim said, "I will take a step towards the reform of the South Korean party line, I visited the village and visited the tomb of former President Roh Kim Jong Tae, general secretary of Hong Chul-Ho, deputy head of the Diet's vice president and dietitians of the Kyongnam region, President Kim wrote in his gold book, "Everyone lives well together." On the 25th, he made the same post after visiting the old presidential cemetery of the Seoul National Cemetery.

Kim met Kwon Yang-sook for 30 minutes in private: "Our company must go to the city." integration, and we must gather power and renew our country. "There was no political speech.

It is only three and a half years since February 2015 that the leaders of the Korean party have separately visited the Bongha Village Cemetery, with the exception of the Roh Memorial Service.

The KCTU explained that it was "to convey the message of the grand unification" to worship that day, "explained Kim," because the memorial service has changed politically. "Kim said: "I visited the whole tomb of the ex-president.

However, it is the interpretation of multi-pagodas that aimed to expand the reach of the Party and the dissemination of the new values ​​of the Party.

Political critic Hwang Tae-soon said, "The image of the South Korean party, which has been tilted by Kim's remodeling policy, has been moved to the middle.I want to tow." The process of creating a new line for the Korean government with emphasis on autonomy and freedom, "he added. Park Sang-byeong, visiting professor at Inha University, said, "I'm trying to show a flexible South Korean part that can now visit Roh through a different vision of the Hong Joon-pyo system." Kim, former advisor to the president,

There is also criticism that Kim Jong Il, the acting leader, attaches more importance to "self-politics" than to the party's current question . Lee Hyun-woo, a professor in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy of Sogang University, said, "If we are proponents of biotechnology, we must work as advocates and ask ourselves if we need of a political action. Kim Moon-soo, the former governor of Gyeonggi, recently posted on his Facebook page "Who is the person who follows the spirit of Roh Moo-hyun, and why did he become vice president? -présidence? "

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