3G continuous thigh cramps, well launch Kelly | Sports | News


[엑스포츠뉴스 부산, 조은혜 기자] SK Wyverns Merrill Kelly did not laugh much when she shook her bad memories of the resignation.

Kelly started 20th in Sajik Lotte's field as a starting pitcher, scoring four runs on four hits, four hits and nine strikeouts. At that time, the number of locations was 83. Kelly, who pitched the best 117 balls of the season, appeared to be able to dig seven or more times.

In the last two games, the cramp of the thigh that grabbed her ankle was a problem, but she had to go back to the bench. Kelly played well during the match against LG on July 30 and Hanwha on July 7, then had to put the mound back to the next pitcher a little earlier because of a thigh. At that time, the number of locations was only 77 and 87, respectively. Kelly, who had been eliminated from the first team because of the problem, was replaced by the same symptoms when she returned to the starting training in 13 days.

Kelly has used several seizures of the thigh as well as this season, but this year the pain is common. There is no big problem in the state of the body, but the lack of water causes muscle spasms. Trailman said that he should watch how the weather is so hot and how he will show himself before the game.

Kelly, who dropped in the second inning with two runs and two runs in the second run at Sajik Lotte on April 20, washed the nightmare with a throw. He also scored nine strikeouts and made 100 strikes for the fourth straight year after starting in the KBO league in 2015. The seventh start of the season and seventh of the season.

After the game, Kelly said, "I'm happy to have contributed to the team's victory," Hillman said. The animals were able to win by helping karate a lot. "I'm glad I made a sharp pitch when I got back in two weeks, I'm fine now, but I have to see why this is happening."

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