& # 40; Mighty Gulf Project & # 39; of Haas Stone & Drum Boom & # 39; – About the Dr. Boom Institute


[자료제공: 블리자드 엔터테인먼트]

– A new extension pack will be released August 8, "The boom of Dr. Boom"

– The introduction of legendary scientists and related records from the Dr. Boom Institute , which is devoted to various scientific studies

Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., a leading developer and publisher of software, announced plans to introduce its 135 new cards, the first expansion of Hearthstone®, the first smartphone game and game of popular digital cards, will be launched on Wednesday, August 8th with The Boomsday Project ™.


Dr. Boom, who is the main character of the new extension pack and well known to all Haas Stone players, has snuck into all kinds of outrageous scientific research after building a research complex in the Raz- of Ninth, Azeroth, Nine research centers explore different fields and invent various harmful machines and odd machines.

In this regard, Habadtone developer Peter Whalen introduced some of the legendary geek scientists who run the labs through narrative history, and today published a new map to appear in the new expansion. 19659007]

Nine legendary scientists working with Dr. Boom on maps published today show tremendous power in their field as experts in a particular field. For example, the scientist's legendary magician, Electra Storm Surge, is a meteorologist who kills lightning, and the crystal Golem, Kangor, directs the Paladin Institute to create rays of light.

The druid's laboratory, full of giant plants and magical powers, studies biology, the purifier, the master of fluid studies. In the case of the 'Flouring Flup' card, it is possible to take advantage of the good effects of the 'Lich King' cards & # 39; and & # 39; Iseera & # 39; at low cost, You can be reborn with a card. In other words, it is possible to consider an unlimited card game strategy according to each player's imagination.

In addition to the video of the day, the neutral legend card, the bad scientist, "Great Wiz Bang" also showed. If you add a "Great Weez Bang-nim" card to your deck of cards, you randomly select one of the 18 deck samples at the start of the game, changing the player's hero and deck of cards. This gives players a variety of possibilities as they can play on several decks and find new decks that fit their playing style.

On the other hand, the day before, "Enter Boom Labs" 2 animation animation has also been released. & # 39; Boom Lab Introduction & # 39; is an animation that deals with the adventure period of Haas Stone Intern, which seeks to find out where the Stone Developers of Haas, missing after the scientific accident. This episode is the result of an event at the Rogue Research Institute and the Paladin Research Institute, where developer Peter Weilen, who switched from Episode 1 to Machine Chicken, merged with the new mechanical map "Goody Module "to obtain shields and provocations [19659007]

Haas Stone will present 135 new cards in this way until August 8, the date of the launch of the" Boom Boom "project. In particular, the live broadcast of Dr. Boom's "Mighty Gulf Project" card will be launched at 2 am on July 24 (Tuesday) at Korean time via Habadton's official twitter channel. Habadtone will unveil the new Expansion Pack, as well as a very powerful legendary order, a seemingly beneficial project control effect for both players, and an Omega card that offers tremendous rewards when you have 10 mana changes. .

The new Haas Stone expansion pack, Dr. Boom's Mighty Hearts project, will be available from Wednesday, August 8 for tablets and smartphones Windows®, Mac® PC, Windows®, iOS and Android ™. The Dr. Boom Mighty Hearts Card Pack can be purchased as a Haas Stone Arena Award, or purchased in gold or real money at the same price as other Haas Stone Card Packs.

Also, until the release of the extension pack, you can get special benefits by buying "Dr. The pack of 50 card packs includes a Golden Legend Profession random card and the back of the Meka Zarac Sush card. The large package of 80 card packs includes a legendary pro card and a portion of the Meka Zarath Sush card, and a new Warlock hero named Mecagarbadus, the Lord of War Eredar. Two grouped objects, one for each account, regardless of the platform, are sold on 50,000 Battle Pieces (PCs) and 80,000 Battle Pieces (PCs).

For more information on Dr. Boom's Fierce Gulf project, please visit the corresponding official page.

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