40% User Income Deduction Rate · Store Charges & # 39; 0 & # 39; · "Zero salary" armed with common QR


The highest level of income deduction rate (40%) and retail store payment fee is 0. The single payment service "Zero Fei" (Seoul Pay) will be launched this year. Cocoa PayPaeko, Naver and other payment platforms can be used without any QR code. It should extend to Busan, Incheon and Kyungnam throughout the city.

On May 25, the city of Busan signed a business agreement for the introduction of a "zero settlement service for small businesses" mid-term and mid-term and Busan Metropolitan City and Incheon Metropolitan City.

Park Won-soon Park, the mayor of Seoul, signed a memorandum of understanding with seven major banks of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, including five local hubs, including Jeollanam-do, Gyeongsangnam-do and Kakao Faye Naver. This is Seoul Faye promised by the promise. The name has been renamed "Zero Fei" by expanding discussions with the local government.

The QR-based offline payment system is a system that allows users to pay in real time using a pay-as-you- and Wichatpei, etc., have settled in the market at a fast pace , and received attention in Korea. The cash settlement is applied to the mobile platform, which is easy to use and easy to manage.

The key point of this "zero service fee payment for small business owners" is that they use the existing private platform as a method of private-public collaboration. Five payment platform providers like Kakao Faye, Pako, Naver Pay, T-money and BC Card also do not receive offline payment fees.

In order to spread the QR payment method, we developed 'Co-QR'. which applies to all payment platform operators and developed Hub System & # 39;

If there is only one common QR in the store, it is possible to pay regardless of the payment platform used by the consumer. The hub system connects many platform operators and private banks. We solved the downsides of having different platforms available for each merchant and having different QRs.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government plans to promote consumer use by applying the 40% deduction rate of income announced by the central government. . If the deduction rate of 40% of income is applied, the salary of the employee who spent 25 million won and the annual salary is about 790 thousand won.

Various incentives such as the transport card in the payment claim, discounts on various public cultural facilities, etc. are also provided. He is also studying ways to pay Onnuri gift vouchers and employee welfare points to the Zero Pay platform.

Park said: "If you take out a smartphone by simply opening a wallet, you can save yourself a small independent business,

29 institutions participating in the Convention, including the city of Seoul, will organize a working group

On the other hand, the credit card companies, which have been designated as a burden of commissions, are somewhat reluctant to respond.

A card industry manager has stated: "The credit card company and the company have never been contacted in the ZeroPay case" and "The companies designated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government are the ones that have not no infrastructure offline,

reporter Park Jung Eun [email protected], a reporter specializing in the industry of financial restructuring in the street, [email protected]

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