6,330,000 Registered Cocoa Bank Increases Loans to Medium and Low-End Loans – Kookmin Ilbo


Korea Kakao Bank (Cacao Bank), a professional internet bank, will develop lending products for mid-range and low-end users. Next year, we will launch a fast and inexpensive money transfer service with Western Union, a foreign transfer payment network company.

Cacao Bank held a press conference at the Plaza Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul, on the 26th, and announced the results of its one-year operation and plans for the year. ;to come up.

The cocoa bank granted loans to medium and low customers based on customer data accumulated over the past year, or 6.33 million customers who have made accounts for cocoa bank accounts and 83030 billion won. Products First, it will provide "related loans" starting in the fourth quarter. It is a commodity that allows customers to whom the cocoa bank has refused loans to borrow from the second financial sector, such as credit card companies, corporations, credit unions, and other credit unions. savings, It will lower the interest rate and increase the limit when the customer borrows directly from the second bank. At the beginning of next year, he will also issue loans for his own credit.

A mobile remittance service abroad, allowing rapid shipments abroad, will also be launched in the first quarter of next year.

If you provide a guarantee centered on SGI Seoul Guarantee, its products will be based on the credit of Kakao Bank. With this service, you can find money in the 550,000 Western Union merchants worldwide without an account number.

Yoon Ho-young and Lee Young-woo, co-CEO at the meeting, also planned to prepare for the IPO next year to raise capital. I plan to do it after 2020. The cocoa bank will also launch a service that will allow users to request credit information by fingerprint authentication and pbadword entry in the near future.

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