[7/2 중국증시종합] Economic slowdown, Shanghai 2.52% ↓


Shanghai Composite Index 2775.56 (-71.86, -2.52%)
Propaganda Index 9179.80 (-199.68, -2.13%)
Reference Index 1588.37 (-18.34, -1.14 %

[서울=뉴스핌] Baek Jin-kyu reporter = On February 2, the major stock market index of the Chinese stock market collapsed due to the slowdown in economic indicators and concern over the continuation of the trade war in Central America and South America.The Shanghai index fell to its lowest level since March 2016.

The Shanghai index, which began to fall 0.21 % compared to the previous day, lost 2.52% to close at 2,775.56.

The recently released economic indicators were below the experts' expectations and raised concerns about the future of the economy. The two-day difference was the new manufacturing PMI, which was 51.0, lower than the forecast of 51.1. In addition, according to the report of China's National Bureau of Statistics released June 30, June's manufacturing buyers' management index also fell to 51.5, down from the forecast of 51.6 experts.

To be taxed.

The price of raw materials, including iron ore, is expected to continue to decline as the Central American trade war continues and Chinese investment in infrastructure declines. There is.

Nearly all industries are showing signs of weakness, while financial stocks such as insurance banking stocks and commodities such as coal and steel are expected to decline 3% in the second half of the year,

Huatai Securities commented, "Even if indicators such as the management index of buyers have shown more slowly than expected, economic fundamentals are not worried."

On November 2, the People's Bank of China announced the exchange rate at the rate of 6.6157 yuan based on the dollar / yuan, with concerns of the Central American trade war continuing.

On November 2, the People's Bank of China stopped trading reverse bonds and had a maturity of 20 billion yuan.

The trend of Chinese stock index in Shanghai on 2 <사진=텐센트증권>

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