8 hours a day, the air conditioning will cost 80,000 more won


Housewife Park (39) in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do spends time in the cafe to avoid the heat these days. Children return from school after 17 hours. When you return home, turn on the air conditioner immediately. When you are alone, it is not easy to turn on the air conditioner because of electrical charges. The problem is that if you do not turn on the air conditioner, it will warm up at dawn and you will sleep. Park said, "If you are too old, you can not help but sleep by turning on the air conditioner." "We are reducing the operating time by turning on and off the air conditioner as much as possible, but we are worried about the price of the air conditioner. Electricity this month.

The use of the air conditioner is increasing rapidly as the record heat wave continues. People turn on the air conditioner all night while the heat wave lasts for the night. But many of them are not able to turn on the air conditioner freely because of the concern about the electricity bill.

According to the Power Big Data Center of the Korea Electric Power Corporation, the average household electricity consumption per household in May of last year is about 200㎾h. The electricity charge is 17,690 won (low pressure for housing). So, how much electricity do you charge for air conditioning in the summer? Central SUNDAY has looked at the monthly electricity bill (see table) according to the individual energy consumption and the air conditioner 's operating time. Electricity consumption will be 40,866 won, an increase of about 30,000 won per day, if the consumption of electric power of 1 kW is 4 hours per day.

If an air conditioner with a power of 2 kW is used at the same time, the load of electricity will more than double. The consumption of electricity (kWh) to determine the rate is calculated by multiplying the power consumption of the product by the time of use If the monthly electricity consumption exceeds 400 kWh, the third phase (280, 6 KRW per 1 kWh). If the average energy consumption is 300 kWh and the 2 kW air conditioner is used for 8 hours a day, the consumption of electricity will increase to 780 kWh and the electricity charge will be deducted. About 200,000 won. It's more than four times more than usual.

 [그래픽=박춘환 기자 park.choonhwan@joongang.co.kr]

[그래픽=박춘환 기자 [email protected]]

However, it is an extreme case that the "bomb electric charge of more than 200,000 won is satisfied. This is only applicable if the air conditioner is turned on every 8 hours a day for a month in a household that normally uses 400 kWh or more. This does not mean keeping the air conditioner. The actual power consumption of a typical stand-up air conditioner of 18 pounds with a maximum power consumption of about 1.8 kWh is reduced to 0.4 kWh (400 W) per hour after reaching the desired temperature . The air conditioner operates in such a way that the hot air generated during the refrigerant compression process is discharged to the outdoor unit and the cooled air is vented to the indoor unit. When the indoor air is cooled, the rotation speed of the refrigerant compressor of the outdoor unit is slowed down and the amount of electrical energy used is reduced. However, the constant speed air conditioner appeared before 2010 has a low energy saving function and, as the running time increases, the power consumption increases accordingly.

An industry representative said, "We use a fan with the desired temperature at around 27 degrees and use a sleep mode or an energy-saving mode at night, which is much lower than the maximum consumption. According to the condition of insulation, with the exception of rainy days, air conditioner 8 hours a day, the average energy consumption is about 100㎾h ", he said According to KEPCO, the average energy consumption per household in August of last year was 280㎾h, or 80kgh compared to May If 100 ㎾ / h are used more per month, households using 200 ㎾ / h will increase electricity costs by 30 원. Even if the household that used the electricity of 400 kWh and the electricity cost of 65 760 won at the same time used the electricity more. air conditioner and used the extra 240 kWh per month, the cost of electricity is 14 888 won (total consumption of 640 kWh) Level If the increase in electricity tariffs is tedious, it is also possible to not use an electric rice cooker during the cooling period.The electric rice cooker consumes 1 kW in cooking and 30 ~ 70W keeping warm. Park Yong-hwan, director of the Hagaran Clinic, said: "With the increase in humidity, the number of patients suffering from hyperthermia is increasing dramatically." an air conditioner and a dehumidifier to maintain the temperature at 26 ~ 27 degrees will promote health. "He said.

[그래픽=박춘환 기자 park.choonhwan@joongang.co.kr]

[그래픽=박춘환 기자 [email protected]]

6 ways to reduce the electricity costs of the air conditioner



The air conditioner is on for 8 hours and the air conditioner operates for 6 hours in the same manner as the shutdown for 2 hours and the shutdown for 1 hour. LG Electronics recently tested an inverter air conditioner with an area of ​​59 square meters (about 18 pyeong) to reduce the temperature by 7 degrees to the desired temperature (26 degrees), consuming 0.8 kilowatts during the first hour. After that, it keeps 26 degrees, and the electricity consumption per hour is reduced to half (0.4㎾h). But when you turn it off and on again in the middle, you will need more electricity to cool the house warmer. Even though households that use a power supply of 300 usually put the air conditioner on for 8 hours a day at 26 degrees this month, consumption increases by 112 ㎾. The electricity bill is 70,660 KRW (based on low pressure), 32,000 won more than the previous one.

2. Use a fan together

Instead of increasing the desired temperature by one or two degrees, you can reduce the power consumption of the air conditioner by using a fan. This is because the fan can help the air flow smoothly and the cold air can spread quickly. At this time, it is advantageous to direct the wind direction from the air conditioner and fan to the ceiling. By first cooling the upper warm air, the convective air propagates to lower the room temperature faster. Recently, air circulators with excellent air circulation function are popular. According to Mobile Commerce Timon, circulation revenue increased 109% over the previous year until the 22nd of this month. The air circulator produces winds on a principle similar to a winged fan, but runs away further to circulate the ambient air quickly.


When the air conditioner is used for a long time, the inside of the machine becomes wet and the cooling effect becomes mediocre. It is advisable to operate the air blowing function so that the moisture does not enter within 15 minutes before turning off the air conditioner. The dehumidification function is effective in lowering the temperature of the sensation and the index of discomfort by eliminating moisture. Some users use the dehumidification feature to reduce the electricity bill. However, experts say that the difference between the functions of dehumidification and air conditioning is not significant in terms of electricity tariffs. According to an article published by the Korean Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning in 2015, it was found that both cooling and dehumidification had similar effects: lowering of temperature and consumption of energy . The energy consumption when using the blowing function only concerns the electric fan.


One of the secrets of lowering the rate of electricity is to keep the room temperature at 10 degrees below the outside temperature. For example, if the outdoor temperature is 35 degrees and the desired temperature is set to 24 degrees, 1.6 kilowatt power is required for 1 hour to lower the room temperature. Even if you increase it by 2 degrees, the energy consumption is 28%. In addition, it is best to maintain the ambient temperature of 26 degrees in order to avoid the conditioner caused by the sudden temperature difference between the outside and the room. However, when turning on the air conditioner, it is advantageous to set a strong wind from the beginning to quickly lower the internal temperature. This is because the air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity when it works.


When buying an air conditioner, you should look at the level of efficiency. The first clbad can save 30 ~ 40% of electricity rate compared to the fifth year. Existing products can be verified by the company or model on the homepage of Korea Energy Management Corporation or on the Smartphone's "seafood" app. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) air conditioners have appeared, which have switched to energy saving mode when the demand for electrical energy increases. The badysis of the user space and modes of use to control the temperature and humidity is basic and automatically switches to energy saving mode when the temperature Optimum is achieved to reduce power consumption.

6. Managing Outdoor Units

Many air conditioners operate indoor units such as filters, but outdoor units are left unattended. If dust accumulates in the outside air outlet, the warm air will not escape properly and the cooling effect will decrease. It is best to remove the dust and install it in a shady place so that warm air can escape. If it is difficult to adjust the position, it is also a way to make shade with a silver carpet. It is also good to spray the outdoor unit exposed to the hot sunlight with water spray or a damp towel. It is possible to prevent overheating of the outdoor unit, thus increasing the cooling efficiency of about 20%.

Please calculate the electrical charges of the air conditioner

kepco.co.kr/ckepco/front/jsp/CY /J/F/CYJFPP001_1.jsp


reporter Yoo Ji Hyun [email protected]

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