Korea, Saudi Nuclear Power Reserve … "Order of Five Orders" including beauty, the Buddha, the Middle East and Russia – Kookmin Ilbo


South Korea was selected as a preliminary operator for the purchase of nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia with a maximum of 34 billion won.

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy said that the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) had been selected as the preliminary operator for the construction of the Saudi nuclear power plant by KACARE.

South Korea, the United States, China, France, Russia and five other countries submitted a letter of intent to Saudi Arabia to build a total of 2 nuclear power plants , 8 GW of here 2030.

Baek Woon-kyu, the Minister of Industry and Industry, said: "The five countries wishing to bid are selected and the competition is

The nuclear industry considers Saudi strategy as a means to maximize leverage on the negotiations.

South Korea has also successfully built a nuclear power plant in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), an environment similar to that of Saudi Arabia.The United States allegedly proposed to Saudi Arabia to allow enrichment of uranium by relaxing the requirements of the United States.

The Government plans to carefully prepare the possibility of cross-border links in various countries until the last offer. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce will hold a "nuclear export strategy meeting" for the Saudi nuclear power plant on June 2 to verify support for the final shutdown of the Saudi nuclear power plant. B, e, v, n, t, s), and future installation projects of the support center of the Saudi nuclear power plant will be discussed

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