DGIST identifies synaptic principles for use in the treatment of encephalitis


A new principle of production of synapses of the brain that can be used for the fundamental treatment of brain diseases has been revealed

DGIST (General Manager Geum Hyeok) is a professor of cerebrum and professor of cognitive science, [19659002ManyneuronsinthebraincontrolbrainfunctionthroughsynapsesAlthoughrecentstudieshaveshownthatsynapticadhesionproteinsplayaroleintheformationofsynapsesthereisnoknowndetailorprocessforcontrollingsynapsesintegrally

<새로운 뇌 시냅스 생성원리를 밝혀낸 고재원 DGIST 뇌·인지과학전공 교수(왼쪽)와 엄지원 교수.>

In order to clarify the principle of generating excitatory synapses among synapses, the research team focused on identifying detailed mechanisms and identifying detailed mechanisms [19659005].

In particular, the "normal mechanism of tyrosine signal transduction", in which specific elements of the PTPσ protein are generated by reaction, is essential for the formation of synapses.

<img src = "http://img.etnews.com/photonews/1807/1088027_20180704135545_421_0002.jpg" alt = "PTP protein-based neuronal signaling model σ (19659009) As recent studies of human genetics have showed that proteins are related to mental symptoms such as autism, asthma and depression, the researchers conducted a series of experiments

Professor Koh Jae-won said: "PTP σ protein is recognized as a key protein that regulates the development of neuronal circuitry with neurexin protein."

The results of research conducted through the support of the state of the art life sciences project of the University of Ottawa. Korean Agency for Health Promotion (KIDA)

Daegu = Jung Jae-hoon reporter [email protected]

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