Why did Kim Jong-sook stay on stage rather than Indian films?


Visit the Indian film & # 39; Dangal & # 39; before Wen's presidential tour

Ms. Moon Jae-in, Kim Jong-sook's wife, watched the student in Indian cinema "Dangal". April 4, before Moon's Singapore-India tour.

In the afternoon of this afternoon, Ms. Kim met 15 foreign students studying in Korea from Korea, India, Korea, South Korea, India , Korea, South Korea, I watched a movie together.

Indian students attended wearing traditional Indian costumes such as Shari and attracted attention.

Dangal is Hindu, which means struggle, based on a true female wrestler story in India. The former wrestler said that his father had dreamed of a gold medal that he could not reach, and eventually trained his two daughters as wrestlers.

When the film's first daughter, Gita, won the gold medal at the British Commonwealth Games, and the Indian nation echoed, there was a fascination for those watching the movie. Kim also rose from his seat and was sitting after the Indian nation's execution.

After watching the movie, she was lucky enough to say, "It was a long time (two to fourteen minutes), but I did not know how long it was."

The girl showed a tear when she watched a movie that gave her love for her father's love. I think it's the same thing between parents and children from Indian and Korean families.

He added, "My father thinks that the story of" your victory is the human rights victory of all Indian girls "is a necessary story for Korean society and the rights of women around the world . "

"I have heard that there are 1,100 Indian students studying in Korea, and I sincerely hope that you will be a solid base for the development of our two countries." Ms. Kim He also greeted with "Namaste (hello)" and "Sucreia (thank you)".

Suramyukul Kami (Korean Language Teaching Course at Kyunghee University) expressed gratitude to the Korean government and Ms. Kim for representing international students.

Kool Gumi is fluent in Korean. "The girls in the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic team's garlic have profoundly affected the world and the Koreans." Likewise, the other sisters challenged the fight as a masculine sport. "

" As a government scholarship student, I was able to understand and respect other cultures and other languages ​​through the opportunity to finish the master's degree course in Korean language in Korea. . I think this opportunity can empower people to bring about social change. "" I strongly hope that Korea and India will get even closer. "

In addition, international students choreographed Indian popular songs" happy moments. "Koh Min-jung, vice president of the Blue House, said," The students wanted to present this song for friendship. from Korea and India. "

Ms. Kim took a so-called" Self "just before she separated at 5 pm I asked her first, "One more?" The event will be reported by the Indian media.

Meanwhile, this is not the first time Ms. Kim is watching such a film. Mr. Kim has already watched the film & # 39; 1987 & # 39; with Mr. Moon.

In February, the documentary film "We ride by sled" with the National Parachute Ice Hockey Team is on its way to the start of the Paralympic Games Pyeongchang winter .I was greeted with greetings.


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